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What food groups should be avoided for those suffering from celiac disease?

I have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, but all I really know about the treatment is that I need to follow a strict gluten-free diet. What are the food groups that...

Why do I have a distended tummy after every meal?

I am suffering from severe bloating and have a distended stomach every time I eat my meals. I avoid any vegetables that could cause gas, still this problem occurs. What could...

How is GERD diagnosed?

I am experiencing a lot of heartburn along with some nausea and loss of appetite. Are these symptoms of GERD? What are the tests to confirm GERD in a person?

What kind of medications are given to treat parasite infection?

Which anthelmintic medication is most recommended to treat worm or parasitic infection in an adult? I have a lot of itchiness around my anal area and hence would like to known...

Are digestive powders like Churna bad for my health in the long run?

After every meal I have digestive powers or churna to aid digestion. Are these known to cause any side effects in the long run?

I have too much gas and I fart a lot. Is there a way to treat this?

I am 35 years old and I am suffering from a lot of gas which leads to constant farting. I have tried various natural home remedies, but nothing seems to be helping. Is this something...

Why do I feel so full even before finishing half my meal?

I am 37 years old and I am having a serious problem with my appetite. I have no primary health issues, however, I tend to feel full even before I have finished half my meals....

About Fissure: treatment, Symptoms

Dear Sir/Mam, I am Mohan from Salem Tamil Nadu, India, i got fissure surgery at last Thursday eve. Now slightly i get bleeding from that and pain and burning in the morning when...

Are home enemas a safe option after a bypass surgery?

My father recently underwent a bypass surgery and is suffering from extreme constipation after coming back home. My local pharmacist recommended to try a home enema. Is it safe...

I am on a lot of medicines since 2 years ago. I am suspecting it could have damaged my liver and kidneys. What should I do?

I had a liver infection 2 years back, which has led to medication and antibiotic use. Could these increased number of medicines cause damage to my liver and kidneys?

My food gets stuck in the throat. What could be the reason for this?

Its been six months and I have been having problems swallowing my food. I feel the food by the time it reaches my throat it gets dry and feels stuck. It normally clears up after...

I am working out heavily still not losing weight. What could be the reason?

I am working out heavily every day and I am also very strict about my diet. I don’t know why I am still not losing weight. Could there be an issue with my digestion or absorption...

What can cause a radiating pain in the stomach?

I am having a lot of pain in my stomach which comes off and on. It is mildly there the entire day, however at some times becomes very intense. What should be the problem?

My mother in law gets nauseous every time she merely finishes a meal. What could be the reason?

My mother in law is 74 years old and is heavily diabetic with increasing creatinine levels. As soon as she finishes eating her meal she feels nausea and sometimes comes very close...

How can celiac disease be diagnosed?

My son has a severe allergy along with rashes every time he eats bread made with wheat flour. Could this be an indicative of celiac disease? What are the symptoms of celiac disease,...

Why does my child complain of constant stomach pain?

My child is constantly complaining of stomach aches particularly in the evening. Is there a digestion problem? What should I do?

REMICADE and weight gain

Prise de poids avec traitement de REMICADE est ce normal? 40 lbs En 9 mois de traitement Translation: Is it normal to gain weight during Remicade treatment? I gained...

I have a weird sensation in my upper chest and throat. Is it a sign of concern?

I have a strange sensation in my upper chest that goes up to my throat. It feels like acidity and lasts for a little while till it stops on its own. Could this be a sign of something...

Can stress cause bowel disturbances in people?

I am 32 years old and I have a very stressful job. My bowel movements are not consistent and I suffer from constipation very often. Is it possible to have bowel disturbances...

Why do I keep getting the hiccups?

I am 30 years old and every time after eating something I keep getting the hiccups. What is the reason for this and what is the best remedy for treating the hiccups?

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