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What are the symptoms of a blood clot?

The other day I woke up to a shooting pain in my knee along with a tingling sensation in the nerves. The next day however the pain subsided on its own. When I looked up the internet,...

What is a venogram?

My son is 5 years old and has been detected with abnormalities in his vascular functioning. He has been recommended a venogram test. What is this test and is it painful for a...

Between Bypass surgery and angioplasty what is better?

My father is 73 years old and has been detected with 4 blocks in his heart. He is severely diabetic and hence the doctor has suggested he could either go for a bypass or angioplasty....

Can bypass surgery work for someone with diabetes and BP?

My mother is 70 years old and has been diabetic for the last 30 years. She also has high blood pressure which shoots up drastically at times. In such a case is a bypass surgery...

I was diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease last week.Please advise.

I am a 35 year old man and I have been diagnosed with peripheral artery disease last week. What is the next course of action as far as my treatment is concerned? Can my condition...

When does an echo test and stress test show a heart problem?

I am a 37 year old man and I was having chest pain for the last 2 weeks. I underwent an echo test and stress test which did not indicate any problem. When do these tests actually...

Would LAD lesion cause tachycardia?

I am a 37 years old woman and I am suffering from tachycardia. My resting heart beat is at about 130bpm. I also have 65% LAD lesion. Could my lesion be the reason behind my...

I have symptomatic PVCs. When do they become dangerous?

About 1 and a half years ago I developed symptomatic PVCs (right lower ventricle). I have had a failed ablation. When should I worry about these? Can they become dangerous?...

Why do I feel palpitations and increased heart rate?

I am a 47 year old woman and I have been having very frequent episodes that cause severe palpitations leading to my heart rate increasing drastically. Even at rest, sometimes...

Will diastolic dysfunction lead to heart failure?

My father who is 72 years has been diagnosed with diastolic dysfunction. While I understand it is a condition of abnormal functioning of the heart, what exactly does it mean?...

I have chest soreness and radiating pain. Is this due to pleurisy or costochondritis?

I have a shooting pain that radiates from my arms upto my chin. I am 42 year old woman and I have costochondritis. Could this pain be due to my current condition or is it an...

My son has a hole in the heart. What is the treatment procedure?

My son is 7 years old and has been detected with a hole in the heart. What is the treatment suggested to rectify the same? Will the condition be solved permanently after the...

Does variation in TMT indicate anything serious?

I am a 42 year old man with mildly high BP in the last 7 years. I am on medication for the same. In my recent TMT test, there were certain values which were higher than the recommended....

What could be the reason for low hemoglobin after a bypass surgery?

My mother underwent a bypass surgery 2 years back. Since then she has been constantly feeling weak and low on energy. The doctors have said her haemoglobin levels are low....

What causes increased heart rate in a pregnant woman?

In our last checkup my wife who is 7 months pregnant showed increased heart rate. What could be the reason behind the same? This is our first baby so we are both really nervous....

How long does it take for someone to recover from a cardiac surgery?

My father underwent a bypass surgery. After he was discharged, he was doing the recommended exercises when suddenly his heart stitches opened up and he was rushed into the ICU...

What could be the reason for increased heart rate of my wife who is 5 months pregnant?

My wife is 5 months pregnant and off late she is experiencing sudden spurs of increased heart rate when she does any work. There are also times when she has palpitations as a...

Why do I suddenly get palpitations at night?

I am a 45 year old woman and I have been experiencing palpitations all of a sudden at night, even when I am relaxed and just watching television. These palpitations become extremely...

What causes high BP?

My mother in law is suffering from fluctuating diabetes. Off late she was showing a lot of irritation in her moods and behaving very erratic. Upon a physical examination we found...

Is my heart skipping beats?

Sometimes it feels like my heart skips a beat, then the next beat is kind of hard. What is this? Should I worry about it?

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