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How soon can I go back to running after breaking a bone in my foot?

I'm 27, and male. I broke a bone in my foot last week, and now I'm trying to recover. How soon can I go back to running?

Why do my muscles get so tight after I exercise?

I'm 22 years old, and I exercise 4 days a week. Or try to anyway. I noticed that every time after I'm done, my muscles are extremely tight. What can I do to avoid this? Why...

Why am I having pain in my tailbone area?

After I played football, I noticed that there's some pain around my tailbone. It's dull and achy, and I don't recall falling on top of it. What could be causing it?

What are the symptoms of pulled hamstring?

I am 26 years old, and I was running outside yesterday and got a sharp pain in my hamstring. Now it's sore. Did I pull my hamstring? What are the symptoms of pulled hamstring?...

What are some stretches I can do before my gymnastics meet?

I have a gymnastics meet this week, and last time I had one, I pulled a muscle in my calf. This happened last week and I've been drinking a lot of work and soothing it in the...

What is the best way to treat a sports injury?

I injured my knee while playing soccer. It's just a sprain and the doctor said it will heal on its own. But is there anything I can do at home that'll make it heal fast?

Can foot massages help athletes?

I'm 20 years old and I run quite frequently. I just had my first foot massage last week. Should I be getting them regularly since I run a lot?

Can working out too much cause muscle pain?

I'm 28 years old, and I work out at least 4 times a week. Recently I've been experiencing a lot of pain the day after working out. Can working out too much cause muscle pain?...

Is my son's sport injury due to dehydration?

My son is 12 years old and pulled his hamstring while playing one of his games. He doesn't drink water while he's playing, I noticed. Could this be from dehydration?

What is the best way to get my muscles relaxed?

I strained my neck when working out, so I took off a few days from the gym to not cause any more strain. How do I get my muscles to relax without taking medication?

Why do people say to not eat before a workout?

I'm trying to get more fit, I should say, but I'm having trouble understanding when I should eat. A lot of my friends who go to the gym say that I shouldn't eat before a work...

Can cupping help me with my sports?

Remember when Michael Phelps did cupping treatments before the Olympics? I want to start doing the same thing. I'm in a swimming team, and constantly training. I'm pretty good,...

What is the best way to get rid of pain in my knee?

I have a lot of pain in my knee, mainly from working out. I work out almost every day, and so I know this pain is from that. Sometimes I take NSAIDs, other times I apply ice...

What are the symptoms of a concussion?

My son's complaining of a headache and has been having issues falling asleep. He's also a little bit disoriented. This started over the weekend, after his wrestling match. I...

My daughter has asthma and wants to start playing basketball. Is it a good idea?

My daughter was diagnosed with asthma over two years ago, and it's finally being managed after going through a few inhalers and nebulizers. Now, she wants to start playing basketball....

Will my high school son ever be the same for sports playing?

During a soccer game, my son hurt his knee very badly and needed surgery. He is recovering now with the help of a physical therapist. I am wondering-- will he ever really be...

Are protein shakes good for health?

My son is 13 years old and insists on having protein shakes to build his body muscle. Are these shakes recommended for such young kids?

Why do I have sharp abdominal pain when I run?

I get a sharp pain in my abdomen whenever I run, and it causes me to stop running completely. Why am I getting these sharp pains? What can I do for them?

Why did my blood pressure shoot up after swimming?

I went for a swim yesterday and when I came out I felt very anxious. The doctor checked my blood pressure and it was quite high. I don’t have hypertension, so why would my blood...

I have pulled my muscle from running. Will a hot shower help?

I pulled my muscle while running and now I'm in severe pain. I heard a hot shower does help ease the pain, should I try that?

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