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I am having frequent bouts of fungal infection in my vaginal region. What should I do?

I have been suffering from frequent rounds of fungal infection that keeps recurring in my vaginal region. What can I do to avoid this infection and prevent it from coming back....

I have missed my periods. Should I immediately meet a gynecologist?

I have missed my periods by 2 weeks and I had sex with my husband 3 weeks back. Is there a possibility that I may be pregnant? Should I immediately meet my gynecologist or should...

I have PCOD. What are my chances of conceiving?

I have been suffering from PCOD from the time I got my periods for the first time. I have tried various treatments, but my periods still continue to be irregular. What are my...

Every time I get my period, on the second day I feel like I am going to pass out. Why does this happen?

I am a 24 year old woman and every time I get my periods especially on the second day of my periods I get a feeling that I will pass out. I feel very giddy and dizzy and there...

For which kind of infections is the medication Doxycycline recommended?

My sister has been recommended the medication Doxycycline for treating vaginal infections. Does it work for all types of infections or only certain forms of bacterial infections?...

I am suffering from either hemorrhoids or anal skin flap. How can I know the difference?

I have been suffering from a severe condition which is painful and bleeds a lot. I am unable to figure out the difference as to whether it is a case of haemorrhoids or an anal...

What is the meaning of having negative T-scores?

I am 28 years old and have been trying to conceive for the last 3 months. The last test i did was negative however I can feel the symptoms of pregnancy. My gynaecologist has...

Are there home remedies to treat vaginal yeast infection?

I am experiencing UTI along with a severe yeast infection in my vaginal region. It burns and itches severely causing immense discomfort. While I have been put on medication,...

How can I differentiate between implantation bleeding and periods?

I am a 25 year old woman, recently married. We are not planning a family for the next two years. As I have been reading, I came across the term implantation bleeding which is...

I am having severe itching in my vagina. Could it be a UTI?

I have off late been experiencing intense itching around my vagina along with a burning sensation when i pee. I am very cautious when it comes to hygiene however now i am wondering...

Is it periods or implantation bleeding?

I am a 30 year old woman. I had a sexual contact with my partner, post which my periods got delayed by 15 days. I did a pregnancy test which came negative. I just got my periods...

If my pregnancy test is negative, why are my periods delayed?

I am a 26year old woman, with an active sex life. My periods which are normally on time, have been delayed by 10 days. My pregnancy test shows a negative result. What could...

What could be the reason behind sudden pain around my right ovary?

I am 35 years old and I have been suffering from severe pain around my right ovary. The stabbing pain starts all of a sudden and subsides on its own. I have been noticing this...

Ovulation pain

Why do I sometimes have pretty extreme discomfort during ovulation?

Did my dental x-rays harm my baby? (first trimester)

I went to the dentist and forgot to let them know I'm 2 months pregnant. I got routine dental x-rays done. They put the standard cover on me but nothing extra over my stomach....

RA and pregnancy

I have rheumatoid arthritis and I am 28 years old. I would really like to have children some day, but I know I can't have kids while I take methotrexate. how is pregnancy handled...

Is my constipation normal?

Once a month, I become constipated for 5-6 days. I am a female, could it be hormonal? I am 26 years old.

How much Colace can I take while pregnant?

I am 32 weeks pregnant and am dealing with severe constipation. I am getting backed up for days and am starting to feel nauseous and just lousy because of it. I have recently...

Is pregnancy possible after chemotherapy?

My sister is currently in breast cancer remission! We are all extremely happy for her, but she is still young (32) and wants to start a family with her husband. Since she had...

How popular are water births?

I am 4 months pregnant and thinking about birthing options. This is my first child. Have you seen any overwhelming benefits of water birthing? Is it safe? Would I need to do...

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