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Humerus pain

I am sports person. I generally play tennis but nowadays my humerus bone muscle and the shoulder pains during service. I tried some online exercises to get rid of it but pain...

After a brain tumor removal, I still have some persistent symptoms. Should I be worried?

I had a brain tumor when I was 39 years old. I am 42 years old now and have survived the entire course of treatment including the removal of the tumor. However, I have suddenly...

Can a migraine be cured?

I have been suffering from a severe migraine since the last 8 years and I have tried all forms of treatments but the condition just doesn't get better. Can Migraine be cured ever?...

Sudden bruising for no reason

I am a 62 year old male. I previously had open heart surgery for severe MVP. Today I noticed that I have 6 very large bruises on different areas of my body. I have no recollection...

Sickness after anesthesia?

Is it common to feel nauseated or vomit after general anesthesia? How long does it take for those feelings to subside?

Does a fever always signal an infection?

I have a low fever (100. 1F). Why is this happening? I feel fine otherwise, just very warm. Is my body fighting off something?

What is claudication?

After a visit to my doctor she mentioned something about claudication and referral to a vascular surgeon. I went there because I noticed pain in my legs when exercising. What...

What's this feeling on the bottom of my toe?

Randomly, I get a prickly feeling on the bottom of my big toe. It feels like a splinter but I don't see anything there. It's never on any other toe or any other part of my foot....

I get dizzy every time I bend over. Should I worry?

Lately every time I bend over forward (like emptying my dishwasher) I get dizzy when I stand back up. This didn't use to happen. Should I be concerned?

Can Fluoxetine cause insomnia?

My 20-year-old son has been taking fluoxetine regularly as a treatment for his depression. However, I have been seeing him waking up every day at 2 am. Is this a normal effect...

Ongoing headache - what to do?

I've had a headache pretty consistently for the past week or so. It varies in severity and I'm able to fall asleep at night, but the pain is always there. Is this a sign of something...

Cough for 1 week plus - should I worry?

I've had a mucusy cough and been feeling lethargic and hot for a little over a week. I don't feel any different otherwise. Could it be an infection?

Nausea after surgery

Every time I have had anesthesia I throw up afterward. The doctors have tried giving me anti-nausea drugs but they don't seem to help. Do you have any suggestions for the next...

Off and on lower right abdominal pain

I have pain in my lower right abdomen occasionally. It can be pretty intense. Is it my appendix?

How do I know if I have rheumatoid arthritis?

My joints hurt most of the time. How do I know if it is rheumatoid arthritis?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

I've been told that I need to have surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome. It is really hurting but I don't want to have surgery. Are there any non-surgical alternatives you might...

Can PT help with motion sickness?

I have pretty severe motion sensitivity. It seems like all movement makes me a little nauseous. I have heard that physical therapy can help with it. Is this true? How?

Why do I have a fever after my flu shot?

I get my flu shot every year. I've never gotten a fever from it before until now. What's wrong? Could this just be coincidence?

Nausea after surgery

Every time I have had anesthesia I throw up afterwards. The doctors have tried giving me anti-nausea drugs but they don't seem to help. Do you have any suggestions for the next...

I was just diagnosed with Crohn's, but there is a history of bowel cancer in my family. What should I look out for?

My grandfather passed away from bowel cancer complications. I was just diagnosed with Crohn's disease 1 month ago. Should I think about further testing? When?

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