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Do allergies change?

Can I be allergic to something for a while and then not be allergic to it anymore?

What could be the best medicine for allergic rhinitis?

I am 23 years old and I am suffering from allergic rhinitis for the last 1 year. Is there permanent cure for this condition? What is the best medicine for this allergy? Please...

What causes lactose intolerance in certain people?

My son is 1 year old and is lactose intolerant. I am extremely worried as a mother because his milk requirement is not getting fulfilled. Although I am able to breast feed him,...

I have food allergy.Will this allergy persist for the rest of my life?

I am a 26 year old and I have been suffering from severe food allergy that aggrevates due to certain food ingredients. I am having this issue since my childhood but I was told...

Is Pubic itching sign of an allergy?

I am a 27 year old man and I am suffering from severe pubic itching. This condition suddenly starts and then stops on its own. Is it a form of an allergy? How can I diagnose...

How should I deal with my daughter's oral allergy to apples?

My daughter is suffering from a weird oral allergy that is triggered by consumption of apples. What is the best way to get rid of this allergy or does it mean I should completely...

How effective are lactase enzyme tablets?

I recently read about lactase enzyme tablets which help in preventing the allergic reaction which is triggered by consuming lactose food for those who are lactose intolerant....

Dust and perfume trigger a severe cough in me. What can I do?

I am 22 year old girl and I am severely allergic to perfume and dust. The minute I get in touch with dust particles or someone sprays perfume near me I get a severe cough allergy....

My headache is still not improving. Please help.

I have a tendency to get a severe headache overtime if I am in the sun for too long. Yesterday I had a similar bout of headache, but the condition is just not improving. Please...

Immunizations for travel

Are there any European countries that require immunizations for travel there?

is my allergy anaphylactic

I have a food allergy that causes any body part that comes in contact with the food to swell up. Is that considered anaphylactic?

Why does hay fever severity fluctuate

Some years my hay fever is unbearable, other years it's not a problem. Why is this?

Using an EpiPen

Is it painful if I have to use my Epi Pen? It scares me to think of it.

Does echinacea work?

Does echinacea really help with a cold? Should it be taken daily or only when you have a cold?

Why am I allergic to just soy milk and no other soy product?

I cannot tolerate soymilk. I do not have a life-threatening allergy, but when I've had it in the past, everything from my lips down my throat becomes swollen and itchy. However,...

Strange allergy, what is it?

I have a slight allergic reaction whenever I eat certain things, including many raw fruits/vegetables/nuts. When they are cooked or altered, I do not experience the allergy....

Do allergies change?

I had an allergy to wheat as a child but I seem to be able to eat it now. Do allergies change as you get older? Can I develop new ones?

Wheat sensitivity?

Is there such a thing as wheat sensitivity? I don't have a gluten issue- because I can eat barley and oats and be fine, but whenever I eat bread/pastas/etc I get bloated and uncomfortable....

Is my child's hyperactivity due to Claritin?

My 5 year old child has had a cold for two weeks. I took her to the pediatrician who said it was allergies and told me to give her Claritin once a day in the morning. I have...

Should I get a flu shot?

I work at home. Do I still need to get a flu shot?

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