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How effective is clove oil to reduce tooth pain?

I am experiencing pain in my tooth. I read somewhere that clove oil can be very effective in treating toothache. Is this true? What is the right way to use clove oil to alleviate...

What is the reason behind tooth sensitivity?

I am suffering from severe tooth sensitivity in my last two teeth. What could be the reason for this sensitivity? Will I have to undergo a RCT?

How can I reverse yellowing of my teeth?

I am 27 year old woman and I am now seeing my teeth are turning yellow. Is there a way that I can reverse yellowing of my teeth?

My tooth in the back is half broken, what should I do?

My tooth in the back broke while I was eating. It has broken in half and is causing a lot of pain. What should I do to prevent an infection and to treat the pain?

I wear my retainer, so why are my teeth still shifting?

After having braces on for three years, I was given a retainer to wear at night. I wear it every night, but I'm still noticing that my teeth are moving. What can I do?

I don't understand how I got Periodontal disease

I brush my teeth regularly, how can I have gotten periodontal disease? I also floss once per day, at night. This runs in my family, but my family also doesn't really take much...

Do dentists offer services to the uninsured?

My health insurance ran out recently and I am due for a cleaning. I was wondering if dentists are able to offer services to the uninsured. Could they offer payment plans?

Front tooth cavity

I have a filling in between my front teeth. Obviously it is very noticeable when it becomes old or stained. I've had to get it refilled twice now so that it looks okay. Is there...

How can I stop pushing on my front teeth when I swallow?

When I swallow, I push on my front teeth with my tongue. This led me to need braces when I was younger, and I don't want to need them again. How can I stop this?

Why are some people's canine teeth sharper than others?

Is it a genetic thing? My boyfriend's canine teeth are very sharp and noticeably more pointy, but mine are not.

Can effects from TMJ ever be reversed?

Around 5 years ago, I went through a very stressful time and started clenching/grinding my teeth in my sleep. It lasted for around two months. During that time, I couldn't eat...

Brushing too hard?

During my most recent dental cleaning, I saw a different dentist who warned that I'm brushing my teeth too hard and wearing my gumline away. Why wouldn't my first dentist have...

How often to use mouth wash?

I use a fluoride rinse once a day (right before bed). I chose that over a regular mouthwash because I am prone to cavities. Should I be doing it twice a day instead?

Can a tooth abscess be seen on an X-ray?

The doctor has been suspecting a tooth abscess for my son who is 9 years old. What are the ways in which a tooth abscess can be detected? Is there a way that physical examination...

How can flossing help in maintaining the health of teeth and gums?

I have been reading a lot of dental floss and how they can help in maintaining the health of teeth and gums. Is it true that regular flossing is essential for dental hygiene?...

Can an infected tooth spread the infection to the other teeth as well?

I have been diagnosed with a tooth infection and have been recommended antibiotics to combat the infection before further review. Is there a chance that the infection can spread...

Is a root canal during pregnancy safe?

I am a 34 year old woman currently six months pregnant. I have been having severe pain in one of my tooth and the doctor has recommended a root canal. Is it safe to undergo a...

What does bone loss in the teeth mean?

In the recent dentist appointment that I went for, the doctor has mentioned start of bone loss. I am 64 years old currently and heavily diabetic. What does this bone loss mean?...

Having an abscessed tooth? What could this mean?

What is an abscessed tooth? What are the repercussions of having an abscessed tooth and can the condition be treated or reversed? I have heard that an abscessed tooth can cause...

What is gingivitis and its risk factors?

Television ads of toothpaste and mouthwashes often highlight the term gingivitis. How can i minimize the risk of me and my family acquiring gingivitis? In our last dentist appointment...

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