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Wisdom teeth pain after they're gone

I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once about five years ago. Once in a while, I get a dull radiating pain in the spots where the teeth once were. Is this normal?

Is water-flossing as effective as regular flossing?

I am trying to get my boyfriend to start flossing. Is using a waterpik just as effective as using regular floss? I used one when I had braces but since switched back to regular...

What can I eat or avoid eating to reduce plaque?

During every routine dental exam, there's a good amount of plaque on my teeth. I brush twice a day, floss once a day, and use fluoride rinse at night. I think I'm doing all the...

I am a diabetic and my gums have been bleeding. Is there something to be concerned about?

I am 38 years old and i am a diabetic. All of a sudden I am suffering from bleeding in my gums. Is this something that I should be concerned about? Can the bleeding become more...

I am getting abscesses in my infected tooth. How do I treat them?

I have an infected tooth which is now becoming a big concern as it is getting abscesses. What should I do to treat this infected tooth?

The dentist has recommended my son’s tooth extraction. Is it the right way to go?

My son is 4. 5 years old. His front two teeth have cavities. According to the doctor we will have to extract his front two teeth. Is it the right way to go or is there another...

How often will I have to replace my braces?

I have got braces fit for correcting misalignment of my upper teeth. Do braces require to be changed often?

I underwent a root canal treatment and it is paining again. What could be the reason?

I underwent a root canal treatment 2 months back however I am suffering from pain in the same tooth. What could be the reason for this pain?

How effective is clove oil to reduce tooth pain?

I am experiencing pain in my tooth. I read somewhere that clove oil can be very effective in treating toothache. Is this true? What is the right way to use clove oil to alleviate...

What is the reason behind tooth sensitivity?

I am suffering from severe tooth sensitivity in my last two teeth. What could be the reason for this sensitivity? Will I have to undergo a RCT?

How can I reverse yellowing of my teeth?

I am 27 year old woman and I am now seeing my teeth are turning yellow. Is there a way that I can reverse yellowing of my teeth?

My tooth in the back is half broken, what should I do?

My tooth in the back broke while I was eating. It has broken in half and is causing a lot of pain. What should I do to prevent an infection and to treat the pain?

I wear my retainer, so why are my teeth still shifting?

After having braces on for three years, I was given a retainer to wear at night. I wear it every night, but I'm still noticing that my teeth are moving. What can I do?

I don't understand how I got Periodontal disease

I brush my teeth regularly, how can I have gotten periodontal disease? I also floss once per day, at night. This runs in my family, but my family also doesn't really take much...

Gum disease and heart disease

Is there a link between gum disease and heart disease? Is dental plaque really the same thing as the plaque associated with an unhealthy heart?

Risk of nerve damage during impacted wisdom tooth surgery?

I have surgery scheduled next month for 2 impacted wisdom teeth. Is there a risk of any severe long-lasting complications such as nerve damage?

Adult tooth is loose. What should I do?

I got hit during baseball and now one of my teeth is loose. What should I do? Is there any way to prevent it from falling out or further damage?

What can I expect after oral surgery?

I have a couple of fractured teeth from an injury. My operation is next week. How long of a recovery time and how intense can I expect?

Why does my dentist need to know if I've had radiation therapy?

I had radiation therapy several years ago for a tumor in my jaw. My dentist wants the details on the radiation before I can have a procedure done. Why is this?

When can I return to work after gum graft surgery?

I found out I have 4 teeth that need grafting. I was offered the option to get them all done in one shot. What would recovery look like? Is it worth it to space it out?

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