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Help with neck muscle stiffness

I have a lot of problems with the muscles in my neck being stiff and tight. I see a massage therapist frequently and it helps some. Would physical therapy be able to help me...

Weak from a stroke

I have right side weakness after having a stroke. I can walk okay now but I still struggle with holding small objects in my right hand. Can I ever regain my strength in my hand?...

Rotator cuff tear

I have a tear in my left rotator cuff. Why is my doctor sending me to PT rather than just fixing it?

Pain in my hip - What kind of Doc do I see?

I am in my 50s but active and go to the gym and take fitness classes. Over the past week or so I have terrible pain in my hip where the thigh meets the hip towards the front of...

I'm only 23 and experiencing knee pain during exercise. Why?

If I walk for a long distance, run, or swim, I experience pain in both of my knees. There is a history of rheumatoid arthritis in my family. Could this be affecting me, too?...

My shoulder hurts when I raise my arm. What should I do?

I do a lot of heavy lifting for work, and my shoulder is really starting to hurt whenever I raise my arm. What should I do?

My knees are cracking all the time - Do I need PT?

Whenever I stand up and start walking, my knees crack for a couple of strides. It happens every time no matter how long I'd been sitting. Should I be worried?

I was diagnosed with torticollis and need to go to physical therapy. What kind of treatment will I receive?

I developed torticollis, and my primary doctor referred me to a physical therapist. I am wondering how the physical therapist will treat my condition.

Will my first physical therapy appointment hurt? (right hip)

I had a hip replacement and need to start PT. Will it hurt? How do I prepare myself?

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