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Will my orthodontist know that I haven't worn my retainer for a week?

I'm a 20 year old girl and I stopped wearing my retainer for a week. Will the orthodontist know this when I go to get my checkup? Because I stopped wearing my retainer, will...

Teeth still moving post having worn retainer for a year (not consistently)

I had braces at the age of 21 for a duration of 1. 5 years to correct a gap between upper two teeth (front) and push back my lower jaw. They left me with a removable retainer...

Dental bridge vs. implant?

I have missing teeth, more towards the front of my mouth. My dentist gave me two options that he think would help, a dental bridge and an implant. Which do you think is better?...

Can braces damage my child's gums?

My daughter is 14 years old and has just gotten her braces put on. But already, I noticed her gums are a little swollen from them. I called her orthodontist for an appointment....

Does getting a bridge hurt?

I'm thinking about getting a dental bridge rather than an implant. But, does getting a bridge hurt?

How can I quickly close the gaps in my teeth?

I'm 32, and I would like to close the gaps in my teeth in the fastest possible way. What procedures are available that can quickly close the gaps in my teeth?

What happens if you don't wear your retainer?

I'm going to have my braces removed next week, but I would really like to skip wearing the retainer. What happens if I choose not to wear it?

How long is Invisalign treatment?

I'm considering getting Invisalign treatment because I have a small gap in my teeth. The gap isn't severe, so my dentist is certain that Invisalign treatment will help me. How...

Smile direct club or Invisalign?

I want to get one of those invisible aligners, but I don't which one I should choose. From your experience, which do you think is better? Smile direct club or Invisalign?

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