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What are the symptoms of food poisoning?

After eating chicken curry, I experienced both diarrhea and stomach pain. Are these symptoms of food poisoning? What's the best thing to do for it?

What to do if a 3 year old child has a high fever of 103 degrees?

My 3 year old child has a high fever of 103 degree, and I know that a high fever is common in kids this young. I gave him Motrin to see if the fever goes down--should I take him...

Is it possible to have a small heart attack?

I'm an older man, and a few weeks ago I had chest pain and shortness of breath, and I had to lie down for a while. It passed, but now I'm wondering if it was my heart. You can't...

Do I need to go to the hospital after using an EpiPen?

I just got an EpiPen after learning I have a serious allergy to nuts, but I'm still learning how to use it. Luckily, I never had to use it yet--but if I do, would I need to go...

When should I be worried about a fever in my child?

My daughter has a 102 degree fever, and she's really young--about 4-years-old. This fever is really high and concerning. I want to take her to the emergency room, but my mom...

Should I go to the ER for a UTI?

I think I'm experiencing symptoms of a UTI. I've had one before, but this time I have severe abdominal pain, along with a fever. This seems a lot more serious than my last UTI,...

Is it possible to die from a stroke?

I understand that strokes are an emergency situation. But what happens if it isn't caught early? Can you die from one? How quickly do you need to treat a stroke before it has...

Does congestive heart failure cause cardiac arrest?

I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure a few months ago, and have been consistently dealing with the side effects. I've been managing it in the best way I can. But if...

Another kid bit my child and the skin is broken. Should we go to the ER?

My son was bitten at school, by another classmate, and he didn't tell any of his teachers or go to the school nurse (trust me, I'm going to call the school asap and let them know...

What are the symptoms of a heart attack in women?

I heard that women do not have the same symptoms of a heart attack as men. And, that it's a little harder to diagnose a heart attack in women than in men. What different symptoms...

Should I be concerned about the Tide Pod challenge?

I caught my son and his friends doing the "Tide Pod" challenge. Luckily, I caught them mid-taping and I immediately sent all of his friends home and dealt with my son. I don't...

Are chest pains always an emergency?

My mom was having chest pains the other day, and I wanted to take her to the hospital but she told me that she was okay and refused to go. It turned out that she was dealing with...

How many chest compressions should I do in case of a heart attack?

If someone has a heart attack around me and need chest compressions, or CPR, how many chest compressions should I do to help them?

What should I do if my daughter has an asthma attack?

My daughter has asthma, and I'm worried about what would happen if she would have an asthma attack while I'm not around. What are the emergency steps for an asthma attack? How...

What are the special skills of an Emergency Physician or ER Physician?

Recently my friend was in a terrible car accident and was taken care of by an ER doctor who helped save my friend's life. It made me wonder: what is the special training that...

What is the difference between Emergency Physicians and Trauma Surgeons?

Just for my knowledge, I would like to understand that during any trauma or emergency cases, which specialists are normally attending the patient -- an emergency physician or a...

Can stroke be identified early in a person?

Are there any early signs and symptoms of a stroke?

What are the risk factors associated with a stroke?

My father had a stroke 3 months ago and is still recovering from it. What are the risk factors associated with a stroke?

How can we revive a person who passes out?

What should be the first steps to revive a person who passes out from drinking alcohol?

I took emergency contraceptive 2 days after sex. Can I still get pregnant?

I had an emergency contraceptive pill 2 days after I had sex. Can I still get me pregnant?

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