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How long is a hospital stay for blood clots in the lungs?

I have a blood clot in my lungs. How long is a hospital stay for blood clots in the lungs?

Toddler allergies?

My one year old son has had bad allergies and he is now left with a bad cough. As of now, he has been vomiting for about a week every day and tonight he has blood streaks in his...

Possible cubital tunnel?

I have been getting nerve issues for around 2 years now. I saw a doctor this year about it as it has worsened, and after being referred to a specialist and having had conduction...

Can urgent care treat gallbladder pain?

I have bad gallbladder pain. Can urgent care treat gallbladder pain?

Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

I had an allergic reaction to hair dye. Should I see a doctor for an allergic reaction?

How do you lower protein in your blood?

I have high blood protein in my blood. Is it serious? How do you lower protein in your blood?

Is a gastritis attack a medical emergency?

I have gastritis. Is a gastritis attack a medical emergency?

Anxiety and OCD diagnosis?

I am a 19 year old girl. I wanted to ask an expert for something that's bothering me. I have been diagnosed with anxiety and OCD. I have had bad thoughts all my life, until...

Antibiotic for my son?

My son has been vomiting and complaining about his ear. I rang his doctor and he prescribed amoxicillin over the phone. After 4 doses of 5mls, he has very watery diarrhea. I...

Do I have PMDD or anxiety neurosis?

This is really long and I'm sorry, but I'm just scared it's something serious. I'm a 14-year-old female, weigh 92 pounds, and have been having pain out of nowhere, I'm going...

Chest and fast heart?

I am a transgender male 13 year old. For four years I get chest pains when breathing every once in a while. Achey in the bottom of my ribs in the back and very sharp pains in...

Does my daughter have plagiocephaly?

My 7 month old daughter recently had an appointment at Cranial Technologies based on a questionable referral. I am active duty military so our pediatrician felt a little rushed...

I have some abnormal lymphocytes: should we worry?

My son is 15 and had just received his results from a hemogram. Since he was not eating properly and not gaining weight, his doctor made him pass a hemogram. Following the results,...

Is COVID-19 infection an emergency?

I have a COVID infection. Is it serious? What should I do?

What causes high protein in blood?

I have high blood protein. Is it serious? What could be the cause?

What should I do?

I have been experiencing burning when I pee, feeling unwell, am tired, and have a bellyache. What should I do?

How do you increase protein in your blood?

I have low blood protein levels. How do you increase protein in your blood?

How do you fix low iron in blood?

I have low blood iron levels. How do you fix low iron in blood?

Should you call an ambulance for low blood pressure?

I have low blood pressure. Should you call an ambulance for low blood pressure?

Should you go to the emergency room for low hemoglobin?

I have low hemoglobin levels. Should you go to the emergency room for low hemoglobin?

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