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Stomach flu?

I have been having a headache, diarrhea, and vomiting for 4 days. Could this be the stomach flu?

Crohn's disease and Lupus

My 18 year old daughter is diagnosed with Crohn's disease and lupus runs in the family. Is it possible to have lupus, too, or are patients with Crohn's more likely to get it?...

Anal Fissure?

My son had surgery 2 years ago, but shortly after that had the same problem. He visited another specialist 1 month ago, this doctor prescribe a special cream 40 Gm Nifedipine...

My upper abdomen is bloated because of gas. What should I do?

I have a body prone to gas accumulation and most often it happens around my upper abdomen. What should I do to release it?

Are home digestive powders helpful in speeding up digestion?

In my family we are very used to eating home digestive powders with our food. Are these really helpful in speeding up digestion?

Is Crohn's disease a hereditary disease?

My husband has Crohn's disease and I have seen him suffer with it. It seems so painful. I am expecting my first baby and I am worried if he could get this disease too. Is there...

Is zinetac effective in treating acidity and heartburn?

I am having a lot of bloating around my upper tummy. I am also experiencing heartburn and the doctor has prescribed Zinetac for it. Its been 3 tablets that I have taken already...

Can digene be given to elderly patients?

My mother is 79 years old and has been suffering from GERD. Can we give her digene considering her age?

I have Celiac disease. I was diagnosed appx. 15 years ago.

Celiac Disease with ongoing symptoms even though totally gluten free. Is it necessary to NOT use plastic or wood, and use steel and glass utensils, cutting boards, etc. ? Do...

Can you suggest some safe medication to treat heartburn?

My husband has severe heartburn, and it even prevents him from eating his meals most of the time. Are there any medications that could treat this? Or, even natural remedies?...

Can having green tea help me with my GERD?

I am told that green tea is very useful in treating digestive issues. Can it also help me treat my GERD? I'm currently on medications, but if there's something else that can...

Does excess protein intake cause acidity?

I am working out a lot more these days and for protein I end up eating a lot of beans and grains. I've also been noticing a lot of heartburn lately. Could my food be the cause...

Can late night eating cause digestive disorders?

My husband has erratic eating habits. He usually doesn't eat breakfast, then snacks throughout the day and has a large dinner typically. He always complains of stomach upset...

Bleeding with mucus after colonoscopy and polyp removal

I am a 43 year old female that had a colonoscopy 42 hours ago because of several GI issues. During the colonoscopy the doctor discovered a duodenal ulcer and two colon polyps...

Are fruits like watermelon and pineapple okay for people suffering from acid reflux?

I have severe acid reflux problem and it is causing me a lot of inconvenience. I have started eating fruits more often during the day which makes me feel better. Are watermelon...

Can GERD be cured permanently with medications?

My husband is recurrently dealing with GERD. Can this problem be solved for good with medication? Please recommend the right medicines.

My motions are blackish in color and also very hard. What could be the problem?

These past two days, my stool has been blackish and looks really hard. Why is this happening? So far, there's no other symptoms, so I'm wondering if this should be something...

Do I have pinworms?

Yesterday I noticed little white thread looking things in my feces and I've had animals who have had worms before so I know what they look like but I never see them moving. I...

Lower abdominal pain

I have been experiencing lower abdominal pain for the past two years, and have tried all types of medicines but to no avail. Could you please prescribe the right medicine for...

Light brown

So about two days ago when I’m typing this I noticed my poop was turning a light brown, not super light but enough to notice it’s not the dark brown. I feel fine my stomach is...

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