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Why does my son wake up every morning with sneezing and a stuffy nose?

My son is 5 years old and for the last 3 months my son has been waking up every morning with continuous sneezing along with a stuffy nose. I have shown to multiple doctors, but...

My baby's head size is big. Is it due to any abnormality?

My baby was born with a big head size which even caused certain complications during my pregnancy. He is now 2 months old but the size hasn't changed. Is it a sign of any abnormality...

My son has hbE trait. Does it pose any threat?

My son who is 3 years old has been detected with hbE trait, which according to the doctors is a genetic trait passed on to the child. Does this pose any threat for him to live...

My 24 months old son is suffering from ankle clonus since birth. Is it serious?

What is ankle clonus and why does it happen? My son has been having ankle clonus since birth, and it doesn't seem to be settling down even when he has turned 24months old. Is...

Are there any home remedies to treat diaper rash?

My baby has recently developed diaper rashes. There are commercial diaper creams available in the market but i am not sure of their efficacy. Are there any trusted and safe home...

How can i decrease my child’s anxiety about school?

My son is 3 years old and has just started school. It has been a month since he started school, but the anxiety about going to school hasn't decreased at all. The moment he sees...

How important are multivitamin supplements?

I am a parent with two kids one being 2 years and the other one being 4 years. I have been recommended certain multivitamin supplements by the doctor to be given to the two....

My son who is 3 weeks old was born with small eyes. Is that a problem?

I am a first time mom and have a son who is about 3 weeks old now. Since birth we have observed that he has very small eyes. Even at 3 weeks, his eyes seem to small compared...

How often is it required to bottle feed my baby?

I am new mom with a baby who is just 1 month old. I am breast feeding my baby however it doesn't seem to be enough. The doctor has advised a top up feed for the baby. I just...

What can i do if my child gets sick on a weekend?

I have a baby who is just 2 months old. I have been worrying sick about what I should do if at all my baby falls sick on a weekend, and the doctors are not accessible? Is hospital...

Are over-the-counter cough medications safe?

My son is suffering from cough since yesterday. While it doesn't seem to be anything alarming and looks like the seasonal cough, can I give him over-the-counter cough medicines?...

Starting on solid foods

My baby is 9 months old. He is very interested in finger foods and has no desire to nurse or have me feed him. How can I make sure he is getting enough to eat?

Is the HPV vaccine compulsory for kids?

HPV vaccine i have read is a protector against cancer. I have a son who is 4 years old now. Should i get him vaccinated by HPV? We don't have a history of cancer in our family,...

Is it necessary for me to keep my son at home if he has pinkeye?

My son is 5 years old and goes to school as well as a day care. He has developed pinkeye for the last two days. The doctor has prescribed medications. Although it is not painful,...

My son gets blood clots while playing. What could be the reason?

My son is 7 years old and of late I have observed that he gets black spots while playing. The clots appear around his thigh area and are particularly more prominent when he runs...

Is Radiation therapy safe for kids?

My son who is 9 years old has been battling liver cancer. Though the cancer is treated to a large extent the radiation therapy is still on. Will it have a long term impact on...

My 6 weeks old baby has ankle clonus. Should I take him to a neurologist?

About last week I noticed that my 6 weeks old baby has ankle clonus. I have seen his feet twitch and tap when he raises his knees or is applying pressure while passing motions....

Can sudden asphyxia cause brain injury in a child?

I am a 34-year-old woman and I just delivered my baby. Due to certain complications in my pregnancy, the baby was deprived of oxygen and has been in the NICU since birth. Could...

My second child is 14 months old and hasn't taken her first steps. Is something wrong?

My first child took his first steps at 10 months, but my second child is 14 months old and still hasn't taken her first steps. I am concerned. Could this be a sign of a developmental...

Motion sickness in children?

My son experiences motion sickness whenever we travel, sometimes to the point of vomiting. I don't want to give him medication, so what can I do?

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