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What's the best way to prevent a gout flare-up?

I'm 37, and I have chronic attacks of gout. Right now, I'm on colchicine to manage it. Are there ways for me to prevent an attack of gout that I can do, alongside medications?...

Why is my sacroiliac joint swollen?

I am a 25 year old female. I woke up one morning unable to walk because of the shooting pain in my hip. Why is my sacroiliac joint swollen, and why could it be hurting? Should...

What are the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis in kids?

My 10 year old son is complaining of pain in his wrists and elbows, and I noticed that his skin was red around those joints. Could these be symptoms of psoriatic arthritis?

How can I prevent gout attacks?

I'm a 48 year old male and suffers from gout. I am looking for ways to control my gout myself. How can I prevent gout attacks?

Could the pain in my joints be gout?

I'm 50 years old, and both my big toe and hips really hurt. Could the pain in my joints be gout? These areas also look swollen and I haven't taken any falls to cause this.

Can children get arthritis?

I have a 10 year old son who is complaining of pain in his wrists and elbows. I'm concerned that he might have arthritis. Can children get arthritis?

How is polymyalgia rheumatica treated?

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia when I turned 52 years old (now I'm 54), and I'm taking prednisone for it right now. Can exercises help in treating polymyalgia rheumatica as...

Is there a cure for gout?

I generally take medication for my gout, but it's made little progress. My doctor says that this isn't a chronic condition, but it feels like my medication (NSAIDs) is just managing...

Will my child outgrow juvenile arthritis?

My daughter was diagnosed with juvenile arthritis recently. I know in adulthood, from watching my mom, her arthritis was a chronic condition that she had for the rest of her life....

Can athletes get rheumatoid arthritis?

My grandfather was an athlete and his doctor diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis. How is this possible? He used to exercise all the time up until he turned 60, and I always...

How is rheumatoid arthritis ruled out?

I have a family history of rheumatoid arthritis, and now I'm starting to exhibit the first symptoms of them. I watched my mother deal with this condition for so long, so I'm hoping...

Can my daughter outgrow juvenile arthritis?

When my daughter was diagnose with juvenile arthritis, we were a little devastated, and felt that she would have this condition for the rest of her life. But because we're managing...

Can an internist also specialise in other medical areas, such as endocrinology or nephrology?

Are there any internists that have a specific specialization? I always thought their range of practice was pretty general.

Will hot fermentation help treat spondalytis?

I have spondalytis and I would like to treat it with alternative treatments, instead of the standard treatments. Will hot fermentation help treat it?

Is it possible for children to get fibromyalgia?

My daughter is constantly complaining of pain but her pediatrician cannot find the source. The pain is chronic, and it seems debilitating for her. I have fibromyalgia, and was...

Why do I hear a cracking sound in my knees? Is something wrong with me?

I can hear a strange cracking sound in my knees. Is this a sign of aging, or could this be a different condition entirely?

I have a lot of pain in my joints. Could it be rheumatoid arthritis?

I have been experiencing a lot of pain in my joints and I'm not sure what to do. It's not severe pain, but I'm scared that this could be something worse. I also have a family...

What is the treatment for early arthritis?

My mom has just been diagnosed with arthritis. Does treatment differ in the beginning?

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