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I am having severe dandruff and hair loss. Please suggest some natural medication.

I am 37 years old woman and I have noticed sudden dandruff and slight hair loss. I really don't know where to start -- Are there any natural medicines I can turn to?

Is there a natural cure for fatigue and tiredness?

My husband feels extremely tired and fatigued even when he is not doing much work. I don’t know the reason for this, but I want to know if there are natural ways to treat him....

Is there a specific diet to be followed when trying to conceive?

I am a 32 year old woman and I am trying to conceive my first baby. I am on folic acid tablets, but is there a specific diet that can help me conceive faster?

How healthy are nutrition bars that are available in the market these days?

I have been been wanting to switch to nutrition bars to be a little more healthy. But, how healthy are they? Is there anything I should be checking on their label to be sure...

How long is it advisable to stay in a yoga pose?

I have now started doing yoga, and I like to stay in a pose for a long time since it helps loosen me up. Should there be restrictions on how long I should stay in a certain pose?...

Are steroids safe for body building?

My son is an athlete and is now working hard at building his body for a state championship. His gym instructor has recommended him some steroids, but I am worried about him taking...

How safe are paracetamols while breast feeding?

I am 32 years old and I delivered my baby 1 month ago. Since the time I started feeding my baby, I am getting fever and headaches on and off. Are painkillers and paracetamols...

low grade fever

I am suffering from fever as 3 days but nocontinuous. I have mouth and stomach ulcer.

Pain in right arm

Sir I have pain at my right arm. what is the treatment and what is the problem Sign n symptoms 1. Severe pain ( at night) 2. Numbness 3. Muscular pain Whole arm muscular...

Are my swollen lymph nodes Lymphoma??

I have a couple of swollen lymph nodes in different areas of my body. One is under my right armpit, two in the groin, one just above my collar bone on both sides, and one under...

Is Obimet SR safe to consume for the long term?

My gynecologist prescribed Obi met SR for my PCOD problem and to lose weight. Please tell me if it is safe to consume this medicine for a long time.

What can be the harmful effects of a bee sting?

My mother got stung by a bee yesterday. We immediately took her to the doctor who said it is nothing to worry about. Her nose, where the bee stung, is now swollen. According...

About twin pregnancy

I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant with twins but I wasn't given ANTI-D my last miscarriage before this pregnancy and my doctor thinks that one of my twins have down syndrome. Can...

No peristalsis, floppy colon- what can help?

All my life, I moved my bowels ,2-3 times a day. When I was 27 I had my first bout of constipation and have had issues ever since. I am super healthy, work out everyday, drink...

Eggs and flu shots

Why am I asked if I am allergic to eggs when I get a flu shot?

When to go in?

I just got over a cold and now I have a hard time breathing, it feels like I cant catch my breath and my stomach hurts from coughing so much and I'm coughing so hard it makes my...

Vasovagal syncope getting worse

i have always been a fainter since I have been young- typically induced by pain such as my period cramps or abdominal pain. Over the last couple of years though, I have had many...

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