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When is decreased fetal movement a concern?

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. About 2 weeks ago, after a day of feeling crappy and sleeping a lot, I notice my baby didn't move as much. When is decreased fetal movement a concern?...

How can I prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex?

I consulted one doctor after 20 hrs or so and he suggested to take femilon tablet twice a day for three days from thereafter. Will it work?

Anti-psychotics and infertility

Can taking Zyprexa, an anti-psychotic, cause infertility?

Can at-home pregnancy tests be wrong?

My period was late so I took multiple (3) at-home pregnancy tests, which all came back positive. But then, I took a pregnancy blood test, which came back negative. How is this...

Infertility and overdoses?

Can overdosing on pills make you infertile? I overdosed on 40 proporanolol and about 17 Tylenol. Did that make me infertile?

When can I not fly while pregnant?

My husband wants us to go on vacation during my pregnancy, and right now I'm 15 weeks pregnant. Is it okay to fly? How many weeks or months can I fly up to?

Why can't I get pregnant?

I'm 28, and I'm unable to get pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for over a year and I still haven't gotten pregnant. What doctor should I see? What tests must be done?...

How can I get rid of a yeast infection that occurs during my period?

I'm 31 years old, and I think I keep getting yeast infections during my period (I'm usually really itchy down there throughout my menstrual cycle), and I don't know what to do....

Trying to get pregnant for about 1 year but still no luck.

My partner and I have been trying to conceive but have had no luck. I have not been to a doctor but my family has no record of not being able to conceive as most of them had children...

When should you get acupuncture for fertility?

I'm 31, and I want to get acupuncture for fertility since me and husband want to try to have a kid. Should I wait until I'm ovulating, or no? When should I get acupuncture for...

What does high blood pressure during pregnancy mean?

I'm 32 and in my first trimester of pregnancy. I just took my own blood pressure and found that it's higher than it used to be. What does high blood pressure during pregnancy...

Do the gender blood tests actually work?

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I want to know what my baby's gender is now. I can't wait. I heard about these blood tests that can tell you the baby's gender really early. Do they...

Can the flu cause a miscarriage?

I am 6 months pregnant. I'm worried about how the flu vaccine would affect my baby, but I know I have to avoid the flu while pregnant because I know the disease can harm the baby....

Are swollen glands during pregnancy normal?

I'm 4 months pregnant with my first child and I noticed that my glands look swollen. Are swollen glands normal during pregnancy?

What is an retroverted uterus?

During my last ultrasound, my doctor told me that I had a retroverted uterus and that it may cause some problems if I wanted to have children. Why is my uterus positioned like...

What kind of anesthesia is used for C-section?

I'm 32 years old and pregnant, and I'm scheduled to have a C-section in the beginning of next month. What kind of anesthesia is used for a cesarean?

Can I be put to sleep for dental work while pregnant?

I'm going to need a tooth extraction on my back molar, but I'm also pregnant and in my second trimester. Is it okay to be put under anesthesia while pregnant?

Does pregnancy cause constipation?

I'm 5 months pregnant with my first child, and I don't know exactly what to expect. But I have had trouble with my bowel movements. Does pregnancy cause constipation?

What causes sharp stomach pains during pregnancy?

I'm 4 months pregnant, and I've been getting strange, sharp stomach pain. They usually come and go, but they concern me. What could be causing them to happen?

How does IVF work?

My husband and I have been trying hard to get pregnant and have tried other fertility treatments. Now we are considering IVF. How exactly does IVF work, though?

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