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Concerning memory loss?

Hi, my sister (13) told me something that sounds concerning. Today when she was walking home, she ended up somewhere else, a place she didn't know. She told me that she doesn't...

Covid vaccine side effects?

Hello, I am a female and turned 18 yesterday. I have a question about the side effects of the covid vaccine. Two days ago I got my first covid vaccine (biontech). The only side...

Should I be worried on my heart palpitations?

About 3-4 months ago I started to get heart palpitations at 7-8pm every day, it started to get slowly worse and i started to feel weak and tired. But me and my parents rubbed...

What are the negative effects of bathing a toddler too long?

I have contamination OCD and I bathe my child for longer than necessary. What are the impacts and negative effects of this?

Can you go to ER for vertigo?

I have had vertigo already 2 days. Can you go to ER for vertigo?

Leg injury?

Hi, I was at a gymnastics meet and I landed on my leap, and a pain shot up my leg. After that, I was running in the vault and it was hurting and that was after I landed funny....

Child with pale colored poop?

My almost 5 year old son came out of the bathroom this evening and said “my poo is white mommy”. He had of course flushed it away so I couldn’t see it. But he was adamant after...

My 16 year old old daughter hardly ever has an appetite?

My 16 year old daughter hardly ever has an appetite. She's stuck at 80lbs, 5’0". No energy. Blood panel and thyroid tested normal. The 16 year old is a step-daughter (mom is...

If one doctor doesn't recommend surgery because of thinning blood?

My son's orthopedist doesn't recommend surgery for his sciatica. He's had pain for 10 months or so. The doctor says his blood is too thin and he has a bad liver. My son has...

My 3 year old has trouble eating?

I am a mother of a 3 years old girl. My child had a problem with vomiting since she was 6 months old when I started to give her food until now. She is losing weight and she doesn't...

I'm feeling very sick?

I'm 13 years old. I feel nauseous, hot, anxious, shaky. I don't want to go out, I'm scared of being sick. It happened once before and I passed out but it's like that and I didn't...

My 7 year old son has been sick?

He was just getting over the flu (at least we thought) so we sent him back to school after going to the hospital a day or two before. He spent 2 days at school and on the 2nd...

Head injury as baby?

I was breached as a baby. My head scraped my mom's pelvic bone during them turning me and I have a bald spot. Well, my mom told me the doctors said I could potentially have cancer...

Aplasia Cutis type 5?

My son was born with possible Aplasia Cutis and I have been asked to take him for a biopsy, will this give definite answers?

CBC explanation?

My daughter has had 2 cbc checks done in 6 days. Her doctors keep brushing it off. I need to know if the areas that are abnormal are cause for concern. The first lab set was...

Will my daughter be ok?

Hi, my daughter had a bout of vomiting last Sunday night (going into Monday). Then she seemed fine after and was okay throughout the entire week until Friday morning. Then, on...

Is my son okay?

My son was born prematurely due to my placenta rupturing at 35 weeks. He was not breathing when he was born but they were able to bring him back. He was in the NICU for 2 months...

Why do I have these seizures if it’s not epilepsy?

It started when I was 11 the first one I went to the doctors for and they did a CT scan and MRI scan and they were both clean. It happened in my sleep this time and was the only...

I wonder if my symptoms are serious or not?

I have been sick for 8 days, from January 9th, of this year, to today. On the first day, I developed a cough, second day, I developed a sore throat, third day, I developed a stomach...

My 9 year old daughter smoking cigarettes?

I caught my 9 year old daughter smoking cigarettes in her bedroom and found out she has been smoking for about 6 months. She is addicted and doesn't want to quit because she really...

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