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Snapping noise and pain in heel or back of the ankle

Hi I’m an overweight, 49 yr lady who has a damaged ankle from previous motorbike v car injury. 2 years ago I hurt my achelies tendon walking on uneven ground where now it snaps...

Can I undergo physical therapy to recover from my hand sprain?

I sprained my head while playing baseball. Should I consider physical therapy to recover from it faster? How will it help me?

Is it safe to undergo physical therapy during pregnancy?

I have a severe back problem and I just started to have physical therapy for it. But now I recently found out that I am 7 weeks pregnant. Should I continue with my physical therapy?...

What exercises would you recommend for a healthy spine?

Are there any specific set of exercises that I can do for a healthy spine?

Are there any specific workouts that could prevent constipation?

I am extremely prone to constipation and most of the times need to have medication to prevent or relieve it. Are there any specific workouts that could ease constipation symptoms...

I continue to have hip pain even after my delivery. What should I do?

I am having hip pain even after I delivered my baby. Will physical therapy help me recover faster?

After a stroke what is the recommended physical therapy?

My father suffered from a stroke but is now back home and doing a little better. What is the form of physical therapy that you would recommend for his faster recovery?

Is there any physical therapy for preventing sinusitis infections?

I keep getting sinusitis infections once every other month or so. Can I try some physical therapy or yoga to prevent this infection from recurring?

My daughter suffered facial paralysis during her delivery. Will physical therapy help in better healing?

My daughter is 32 and just after her delivery suffered from facial paralysis as her BP dropped. Though she is recovering, what physical therapy do you suggest for her fast recovery?...

My wife has a pain in her collar bone. Can physical therapy help her?

My wife has been suffering from severe pain in her collarbone even when she is taking medication. The pain is only getting worse. Can physical therapy be of any help?

I have spinal stenosis. Will exercise help?

I am suffering from back pain because of spinal stenosis. Do you think exercises and working out help me out? My doctor says that I may need surgery if this pain continues.

How long does it take for physical therapy to show impact in someone suffering from facet hypertrophy?

I am a 29 year old woman and I have continuous lower back pain due to facet hypertrophy. I am on medication and also undertaking physical therapy. How long will it take for the...

What is the treatment for cerebral atrophy?

My father has been suffering from cerebral atrophy. Can physical therapy help in treating his condition? I don't know much about this condition but I would think connection between...

My legs are hurting a lot and I am 6 months pregnant. Please suggest some exercises.

I have a lot of pain in my legs, and I am currently 6 months pregnant. Can you please suggest the right exercises for me?

After an accident how long will it take for my body to regain its original strength?

I had an accident that I really got hurt in. I didn't break anything, but I did hurt my back. While I'm slowly recovering, I feel comfortable enough to start working out. How...

What is the suggested therapy for facet hypertrophy?

I have severe lower back pain due to facet hypertrophy and I am not able to stand beyond 5 minutes. What should I do?

Why has my knee become so stiff?

Lately my knee has become very stiff and I am unable to bend it as much as the other one. What could be the reason for the same?

Type of asana according to hip movement

How can we identify which one is hip closing asana or which one is hip opening asana?

What could be the cause for pain in my middle back?

I have a strange pain around my middle back region. What could be causing this problem?

Is physical therapy helpful in treating tennis elbow?

My husband has been diagnosed with tennis elbow and it is very painful for him at the moment. Do you think physical therapy will help him heal faster?

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