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Is my bronchitis still contagious?

I have had bronchitis for over one month. Two weeks ago I was put on antibiotics. It has cleared up my congestion and coughing a bit, but I am still spitting up some green mucus....

Feeling weak after the flu

I got over the flu around a week ago, thankfully. However I still feel a similar tiredness and weakness. Is this normal? When can I expect this to go away?

Is there a best time of year to get the flu shot?

Last year I got my flu shot in October and the doctor was concerned because it was "late". I was not aware of this - when is the best time to get a flu shot?

Is asthma hereditary?

My grandfather had asthma (pretty severe). My mom doesn't have it. I'm concerned I might get it, or that my kids will suffer as much as my grandfather did. How can I prevent...

Does a fever always signal an infection?

I have a low fever (100. 1F). Why is this happening? I feel fine otherwise, just very warm. Is my body fighting off something?

How do I get water out of my ear?

I went swimming last week and still feel like there is water trapped in my right ear, I feel it when I move around but nothing comes out. What can I do to get it out- will it...

What do high lymphocytes mean?

I just got my blood work back from my physical and had elevated lymphocytes. I am worried, what could this mean?

How long is pink eye contagious?

I just started antibiotics today, how long will I be contagious for and do I need to change all of my eye makeup, is it contaminated?

Is shingles contagious?

I have shingles- blisters are just starting to scale over- am I still contagious?

How do I get rid of a canker sore?

I have had a canker sore in my mouth on the inside of my cheek for over a week and it own't go away. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?

Thyroid Function Tests

I'm a 35 y/o female with PMH of MDD c/o b/l 4+ pitting edema of the lower extremities. The condition developed over a period of 3-4 months and is only mildly improved with leg...

When to go in?

I just got over a cold and now I have a hard time breathing, it feels like I cant catch my breath and my stomach hurts from coughing so much and I'm coughing so hard it makes my...

Can you get strep throat without tonsils?

I had my tonsils removed when I was younger, I am 16 years old now. Today I have a sore throat with a fever and puss in my throat. Is it possible to have strep throat with...

Ongoing headache - what to do?

I've had a headache pretty consistently for the past week or so. It varies in severity and I'm able to fall asleep at night, but the pain is always there. Is this a sign of something...

Folic acid levels went down - why?

Recently I got my bloodwork done and was informed my levels of folic acid were low. I have no idea why this would be. Everything else was fine. I take B12 and D supplements...

Menopause has been brutal for me

My mom sailed right through menopause. I seem to have constant hot flashes (I'm mid 50s), heart palpitations and I can't sleep. I don't want to take estrogen, what else can I...

Does sunscreen prevent me from absorbing vitamin D?

I have a vitamin d deficiency and very sensitive skin. Usually I burn after only 20-30 minutes of exposure. How can I make the most of sun exposure without doing harm to my skin?...

Why does my head hurt when I blow my nose?

When I blow my nose, I feel a tight pressure and pain in my head, and it is pounding afterward just for a few seconds. I don't think I have any other symptoms or any other medical...

Why do I have a fever after my flu shot?

I get my flu shot every year. I've never gotten a fever from it before until now. What's wrong? Could this just be coincidence?

Pain in stomach and back after eating

After every meal (doesn't matter what I eat), my stomach and back hurt, mostly in the middle of my abdomen. What should I do?

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