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Can a chiropractor break your neck?

I have chronic neck pain and heard about chiropractic treatment. I am little bit worried. Can a chiropractor break your neck?

What do I do about my scoliosis?

I'm 44 and male. I've been diagnosed with scoliosis 2 weeks ago and my back hurts a lot. What can I about it?

Is Discitis curable?

I'm a 50-year old male and I have Discitis. Sometimes it's better and other times worse. Is this condition curable?

What can my son do about poor posture?

My son is 14 and has poor posture. His doctor recommended physical therapy. Is there anything else that he can do about it?

What are some home remedies for spondylolisthesis?

I'm 45 and have been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. What are the best home remedies for this condition?

What exactly is spinal stenosis?

My father's friend has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. What exactly is that?

Can kids have scoliosis?

My 14-year old son has a poor posture and I'm a bit scared. Can kids have scoliosis?

Is chiropractic treatment effective for son's back pain?

My son has had back pain for two months already from a sports injury, which he had gotten while playing basketball. Should I consider chiropractic treatment for him?

My son has very bad back pain. What can I do?

My son is only 7 years old and he has very bad back pain. This has been chronic, and has been experiencing this for 2 months. Is there anything I can do for him? Should we see...

Can chiropractic adjustments help kids with migraines?

My daughter has chronic migraines, and has been this way for over a year. Do you think a chiropractic adjustment can help her? Right now she takes medication, but that's all...

What are the side effects of chiropractic treatment for kids?

My son is 15 and he's going to have chiropractic treatment this week to help with back pain he gets from playing sports. Are there any side effects of chiropractic treatment for...

Is a chiropractic activator safe for babies?

We wanted to take my baby for a chiropractic adjustment because he's colic, but the chiropractor wanted to use an activator on him. Is a chiropractic activator safe for babies?...

Are adjustments dangerous for kids?

My 12-year-old son has spine problems and needs an adjustment, but I'm worried about if it's actually safe. Are chiropractic adjustments dangerous for kids his age?

Can children get pinched nerves?

I think my son has a pinched nerve in his shoulder, but he's only 14 years old. I always thought pinched nerves were an adult issue. Is it possible for kids to get them too?...

Could posture cause lower back pain in children?

My son is 10 years old and I noticed that his posture is really bad. He walks with his shoulders slouched and when he plays video games he's often hunched over. He's been also...

How long does chiropractic treatment take to work for kids?

My son is 13 years old and will be getting an adjustment to help improve his issues of sleeping. Will the effects of the adjustment be instant?

What causes spine pain in children?

My son has been complaining about pain in his spine for the past few days. I don't know if it's serious though. He was checked for scoliosis recently and he was fine. What could...

How does chiropractic care help a child's cold?

My friend suggested taking my child to a chiropractor for his cold, rather than going to the doctor, because it really helped her son. I'm just a little skeptical about it. How...

How can I check my kid for scoliosis?

My son is 11 years old, and he is very active. He just had a growth spurt, and I'm worried about how his spine formed with it. How can I check my for scoliosis?

Can chiropractor help colic baby?

My child is colic and we're trying to find ways to help him. I adjusted my position while nursing, and started to give him gripe water. But can a chiropractor help as well?...

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