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Spot in throat

I’ve had this spot in my throat for over 2 years, yellowish. Can it be a embedded tonsil stone? It is yellowish in appearance. It does not hurt. I do have Hashimotos.

Can general anesthesia for a tonsillectomy cause any damage?

I will have a tonsillectomy. Can general anesthesia for a tonsillectomy cause any damage?

What can cause hearing problems in a child?

My daughter is 4 years old. She has a sudden bad hearing in her left ear. What can cause hearing problems in a child?

What medications can I give my child for a sore throat?

My daughter has a sore throat. What medications can I give my child for a sore throat?

Can surgery fix chronic tonsils pain?

I have chronic tonsil pain. Can surgery fix chronic tonsils pain?

What is the recovery for a child's tonsillectomy?

My daughter will have a tonsillectomy. What is the recovery for a child's tonsillectomy?

Can hearing loss be caused by a cold?

My daughter has hearing loss in one ear after a cold. Can hearing loss be caused by a cold?

What sedation is done for ear tube surgery?

I will have ear tube surgery. What sedation is done for ear tube surgery?

Can hearing loss be fixed?

My daughter has hearing loss in her left ear. Can hearing loss be fixed?

How long are you under anesthesia for tonsil removal?

I will have my tonsils removed. How long are you under anesthesia for tonsil removal?

Are you awake during tonsil surgery?

I will have tonsils surgery. Are you awake during tonsil surgery?

Can ear surgery be done under local anesthesia?

I will have ear surgery. Can ear surgery be done under local anesthesia?

What can cause bad hearing?

My daughter is 6 years old. She has a sudden bad hearing in her left ear. What can cause bad hearing?

Can bad hearing be fixed?

My daughter has a bad hearing in one ear. Can bad hearing be fixed?

Do you use general anesthesia for tonsils removal?

I have chronic tonsilitis and want to remove my tonsils. Do you use general anesthesia for tonsils removal?

Do you use general anesthesia for sinus surgery?

I will have sinus surgery. Do you use general anesthesia for sinus surgery?

Does acupuncture fix tinnitus?

I have tinnitus. Does acupuncture fix tinnitus?

What is the treatment for throat infection in a child?

My daughter has a throat infection. What is the treatment for throat infection in a child?

Can ear infections cause hearing damage?

My daughter has hearing damage after an ear infection. Can ear infections cause hearing damage?

What medications can be used for tonsilitis?

My daughter has tonsilitis. What medications can be used for tonsilitis?

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