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What is the affect of hypertension on kidneys?

My mother is suffering from hypertension. What could be its impact on her kidneys? There's a history of kidney problems in her family but she hasn't experienced any yet.

Is chronic kidney disease a heriditary disease?

My mother is a diabetic and has recently developed chronic kidney disease. I have also been diagnosed with diabetes. What are the chances that I will suffer from a kidney disorder...

What causes electrolyte disorders?

My sister was recently diagnosed with an electrolyte disorder, not sure which one. But, I recently read about electrolyte disorders, which could cause complications and even kidney...

Can dark yellow urine be a sign of a kidney problem?

My urine is dark yellow in color. Could it be an indication of a kidney problem or something else? The reason why this is concerning me is because I usually drink a lot of water...

How are stones removed naturally?

I have two small kidney stones that the doctor says will dissolve on its own. How will that happen though?

My mother has been diagnosed with glomerular disease. How is it treated?

My mother is 70 years old and has been diagnosed with glomerular disease. We all haven't heard of it before, so we aren't sure how she would recover from this and the overall...

How many times a week do you have to undergo dialysis?

My father is suffering from a end stage kidney disease, and we are convincing him to undergo dialysis. How many times a week will he have to undergo the procedure? Is it painful?...

Is high creatinine treated as a medical emergency?

My mother's creatinine level has increased to 6. 9 from 5. 2 in one month. Should this be considered a medical emergency?

When is dialysis actually required?

My mother is 72 years old and a chronic kidney disease patient. The doctor has been asking us to start off with dialysis for her but currently she is pretty active and we don’t...

My baby is 10 months old and has water retention in her legs. Should we be worried?

My daughter is 10 months old and I have noticed some water retention in her legs. We have taken her to the pediatrician who has taken some samples for testing. I am worried if...

My brother is due for a kidney transplant. What are the chances that my kidney will work for him?

My brother needs a transplant, but the transplant list is long and he isn't considered a priority on it. The doctors have tested me and have said that my kidney will match and...

What is the way to confirm chronic kidney disease in a patient?

My mother is 76 years old and has had a history of diabetes for the last 37 years. Her creatinine levels are high and at about 5. 33. Is she moving towards chronic kidney disease?...

My mother is dealing with fluid retention in her body despite taking lasix. What can she do?

My mother is 70 years old and is suffering from CKD. She has been on lasix for the last 6 months, but her fluid retention is still very high. What could be the reason?

Is skin dryness a common side effect of edema?

My skin around the feet is completely dried up and is even becoming flaky. I have edema, mainly because of kidney complications, around my feet and I am currently on lacrix....

Is there a sign to look out for to detect kidney disease early?

My mother and father both died of a kidney failure. I am currently 50 years old and I am worried that I will also have a kidney disorder. What are the signs to look out for to...

Do excessive greens cause kidney failure?

I read in an article recently that having excessive greens in your diet could increase potassium levels in the body and in turn cause a kidney failure. Is this possible?

What is the impact high blood pressure can have on my renal function?

I have had high blood pressure problem for the pas 15 years. I've been on medication and a strict diet to try and control it. What is the impact this problem can have on my kidney...

Lab work done 10/09/17 showed my Absolute Lymphocytes @ 5738. This is not the first time they were high. I had one @ 5400 months before October. My...

I have had several Corticosteroid Lumbar injections, Kidney Infections, H Pylori & C-Dif prir years October 25,17 I had Surgery Lumbar FUSION.

Bladder infection

When you have a kidney infection, does it mean the kidney stone has passed and did some damage while passing or its just and infection because it hasn't move to your kidney as...

What causes recurrent kidney stones? Is there a way to prevent them?

I am constantly having recurrent kidney stones problem since the last 3 years. Is it because of my food or something else? Is there a way to prevent these kidney stones? I drink...

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