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Can eyesight ever get better on its own?

My eyesight has been gradually worsening since I first got glasses (age 16 or so). Why is this happening and can it ever reverse?

Anything to watch out for when using glaucoma eye drops?

I started using Lumigan drops for glaucoma. Is there anything I should know while using this? Things to avoid eating, etc?

Why are my eyes so sensitive to light?

Whenever I go outside in the daytime, my eyes start watering excessively and they are sometimes hard to keep open. What's wrong with my eyes? Is it an allergy?

Why is my vision blurry only sometimes?

Lately I've been noticing that I get blurry vision after I've been looking at something for a while. It can be close up or far away, it doesn't seem to matter. Why would this...

Constant eye floaters--what's wrong?

I haven't had an eye exam in 10+ years and recently I have been getting eye "floaters" very often. Is this something that happens with old age? What's going on?

What is the reason for double vision following an accident?

My husband had a bike accident 3 months back. Although his injuries are healing well, he complains of double vision. What could be the reason behind this? Could it be an internal...

Why does my eyesight get worse every year?

I have worn glasses for 10 years. I get my eyes checked every year and each time my eyesight is slightly worse. So my lens prescription changes every year. Could it be an underlying...

Why are my eyes sore after contacts?

Every night when I take my contacts out, my eyes are sore and red. Should I try different contacts? Why is this happening?

My eye looks different because of my astigmatism. Anything I can do?

I have an astigmatism in my right eye and this causes it to look different than my left eye. Will it get worse if I don't do anything about it? Is there any procedure available...

I can't stand to wear contacts

My vision isn't very bad but I would rather wear contacts than glasses. However, every time I've tried the one in my left eye drives me crazy. It feels like it's shredding the...

What exactly is glaucoma?

I hear about glaucoma and I get tested for it but I have no idea what glaucoma really is. How do you get it? Can you prevent it?

Diabetes and eye health

I am a type 2 diabetic and my doctor keeps asking me about seeing an eye doctor. What is the connection between the two?

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