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If I use neti pot with hot water, is it likely to cause an amoebic infection?

I just got a neti pot for my nose cleansing. However, I use it with hot water, can this cause an amoebic infection?

My father is 80 years old and is partially deaf. What hearing aid would you suggest for him?

My father is 80 years old and is partially deaf. We are looking to get him a hearing aid. What hearing aids would you suggest considering his age and hearing condition?

Lately, my ears seem to have more wax than usual. Could this be a sign of an infection?

Since swimming in my pool 3 days ago, the amount of wax in my ears has increased. Could this be a sign that they are infected?

Is my high blood pressure responsible for my ear pain?

Every time I am under stress or when my blood pressure goes up, I get a sharp pain in my ear. Are the two connected?

I have slight pain in my throat and it seems to be a little red. Can you suggest some quick home remedy to treat my condition?

I am having a little pain and discomfort in my throat and it seems to be a little red too. Can you please suggest some quick home remedies to treat my condition?

Can ear wax buildup cause deafness?

My ears are naturally very waxy. It doesn't bother me but I don't really do anything about it. Can it cause severe problems in the long run?

How can I ease my ear pain after a flight journey?

I have terrible ear pain after my flight last night. It has still not gone away. Why is this happening? Please suggest a quick remedy.

Why do I have a ear pain during a sinus infection?

I have a sinus infection for the last 1 week. I am on medication for it too. However, my ears also have a shooting pain. What could be wrong?

Are antibiotics required to treat a throat infection?

I suspect I have an infection in my throat--there are some white patches in the back. Do you think antibiotics may be required to treat it?

Why do I have itching in my ears every morning?

I have severe itching in my ears the minute I wake up in the morning. It settles on its own but what could be the reason?

Is it normal to feel dizzy during the winter?

I feel very dizzy during the winter season. It happens every year. Is it normal?

I have terrible ear pain. Could this be an infection?

Last night, I was experiencing terrible pain in my ear, and it's still going on. What could be the reason for this pain? Could it be an infection?

Can swimmer's ears cause deafness?

Is it possible for one to become deaf because of swimmer's ear? ?

Will repeatedly using earplugs put me at risk of an infection?

Can repeatedly using earplugs cause infection? How often should I change out my earplugs? They never really become physically dirty as I clean my ears often.

Can swimmer's ear get worse?

I swim a lot and get swimmer's ear twice a season or so. I really hate wearing earplugs. Is recurrent swimmer's ear bad for me?

Post-nasal drip for 2 years?

I am suffering with post nasal dripping for 2 years. Constantly mucus gets in my throat, it causes breathing problem. What's wrong?

I can hear a strange buzzing sound during particular hours of the day. What is it?

I have a weird problem. I can hear a strange buzzing sound during particular hours of the day, in the mid-afternoon. What could this sound be? Is there any reason for this to...

What is the treatment for my throat infection?

I keep getting a throat infection even when I'm taking antibiotics. Is there a different treatment that I should be doing? What does it usually mean when I have a persistent...

Could a sinus infection cause bad breath?

I usually get a sinus infection every year. I have also observed every time I am down with a sinus infection I have bad breath. Are the two connected? If so, why?

Will using mouthwash kill good bacteria in my mouth as well as bad?

If I use mouthwash too often are there chances that the good bacteria in my mouth will also be harmed?

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