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Slow healing recurring sore?

I have no other current medical issues. I have previously had diagnosed and removed a small stage 2 melanoma and a larger basal squamous at different locations. 6 months since...

Small white burn wondering what degree and/or how to treat?

I just burned my hand the burn is small about the size of a pinky fingernail. The burn is all white. The skin does not appear broken. I found a lot of conflicting information...

Concern of mole on hand?

Hello, I noticed this morning that a birthmark/mole on my hand had some redness around it. It is not itchy or painful. I showed it to my doctor around 8 months ago, at that time...

Periods of itching that causes bumps/raised lines on skin?

Hi, so basically, I’ve experienced this 3 separate times over the 3. 5 years. When I look it up it is described as dermatographia but I don’t believe that is what it is because...

Period problems? Neck lump?

So I went to the bathroom earlier to take a poo and when I wiped my behind there was a bit of blood. I haven't had my period yet so I'm not so I'm not sure if it's my period or...

I need terbinafine for my nails and also have a patch of hair on my head that needs it?

I was originally taking terbinafine for nail fungus but didn't finish treatment so it didn't go away. I can see it is starting to get bad again and then I have a round patch on...

I have skin irritation?

I have 2 itchy welps on the back of my leg that have been there for over a year now in the same exact spot.

I have a red line on my toenail?

I think I'm going to die. Do I have cancer? I've had the red line for over 3 years maybe 4. It has not changed and no pain at all.

Fungal infection?

I got a bad rash (red puss bumps on my buttocks) almost 15 days ago after which the pain decreased but it left white pimple-like spots on my buttocks. I took candid cream and...

Belly button abscess?

My doctor had drained my abscess and it looks bigger than before and it's itchy. Is that part of healing? Learn more from our experts.

Do I have a rash or ringworm?

I have little red bumps on one of my breasts. It's like a rash and one looks like ringworm.

I have a rash on my big toe that is scaring me?

I have a rash that is scaring me on my big toe. Both on my left and right foot. And now I got a blister in my mouth. So I'm starting to think that something is wrong?

Skin cancer?

Is this skin cancer on my scalp I’m a truck driver so trying to get in to see a doctor is hard. I recently noticed spots on my head like this. Mostly on the back left and right...

Red, itchy spot?

Off and on, on my thighs, I get these spots that are itchy and they increase in size and gain a red ring around them. I’ve brought it up to a dr the first time and they said it...

I have a lump on my left quadrant?

So, I've had this lump for a year now, it was much smaller. I went to the doctor due to no bowel movement. My colon and large intestine were swollen. My problem was relieved...

How to take care of skin knots?

My wife has a skin disease and it puts big knots under her skin and they get really big and sore. When they come out it leaves a big hole, what could that be? What kind of doctor...

What is this lump?

It's a red/pink/purple lump that's painful when touched near my underarm.

Covid booster shot?

I contracted psoriasis after the Moderna booster shot. Am I stuck with this for life Is this an uncommon occurrence?

What causes a non-itchy rash?

Hi, me and my partner are both 23 years old recently he has gotten a non-itchy rash on his shoulder blades/neck/face. The bumps are an ok size and a couple of days later I got...

My daughter has had a brown patch on her back?

My daughter is 14 and has had a brown patch on her back for about a year now. She didn't take any meds.

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