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Is it good to massage a swollen ankle?

My ankle is swollen. Is it good to massage a swollen ankle?

Should I massage my ankle?

I have ankle pain and want to treat it. Should I massage my swollen ankle?

Should I have physical therapy after an ankle injury?

I got an ankle injury 3 days ago. Should I have physical therapy after an ankle injury?

Which ointment is best for heel pain?

I have heel pain and want to treat it. Which ointment is best for heel pain?

What cream is good for ankle pain?

I have ankle pain and want to treat it. What cream is good for ankle pain?

Should I heat or ice my ankle?

I have ankle pain. Should I heat or ice my ankle?

Should you massage heel pain?

I have heel pain and want to fix it. Should you massage heel pain?

Can massage help with heel spurs?

I have a heel spur and want to fix it. Can massage help with heel spurs?

When should you start rehab after ankle surgery?

I had ankle surgery 2 weeks ago. When should you start rehab after ankle surgery?

When should you stop wearing an ankle brace?

I wear an ankle brace after an ankle sprain. When should you stop wearing an ankle brace?

What type of treatment is best for ankle pain?

I have ankle pain and want to treat it. What type of treatment is best for ankle pain?

Can massage help with heel pain?

I have heel pain and want to treat it. Can massage help with heel pain?

Emergency or not?

I am a 37 year old female. My right foot and ankle have been severely swollen for 3 days now. Constantly. there's also a red rash not itchy though, located on the inside of...

Can massage help foot pain?

I have foot pain and want to fix it. Can massage help foot pain?

How can I relieve my foot pain?

I have foot pain and want to fix it. How can I relieve my foot pain?

How do I stop my foot from throbbing after surgery?

I had foot surgery 3 days ago. How do I stop my foot from throbbing after surgery?

What local anesthetic is used for heel surgery?

I will have heel surgery. What local anesthetic is used for heel surgery?

What to do about my foot pain?

I have had pain in my foot and ankle for 5 days now, it is very achy and sore at the top of my foot and the side. I have pain when I stand on my foot from my job. Do you know...

What should I do with a smashed toe?

I dropped a heavy object on my toe today and underneath the nail has become black (definitely bruising or bleeding underneath) and it's red and inflamed around the nail. I can...

My recent MRI?

I recently had an MRI where it was discovered I had an OLT on my ankle alongside a detached fragment on my talar some. What would be the next treatment for this diagnosis? Report:...

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