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My son has constipation issues for the last 3 months. What natural foods can I give him?

My son is having severe constipation issues for the last 3 months. Given his food habits are still the same what could be the reason behind this issue? Are there any recommended...

Is nebulization safe? How does it work?

Every time my child gets a bout of coughs along with a slight wheeze, the doctor suggests nebulization for some quick relief. Is it safe to give nebulization frequently? How...

Can keeping a child in a diaper for a long time lead to urinary infections?

My daughter is 3 years old and is still wearing diapers. Her diaper gets full fast and I try to change it as often as I can. Can wearing a diaper for long periods of time cause...

Is a chiropractor helpful in treating kids?

My son is 5 years old and he seems to be having some kind of a pain when walking. He is unable to walk straight. Will a chiropractor be helpful in understanding his problem and...

What is the best option for deworming?

My son is 8 years old and is very fond of sweets and chocolates. However, as a mother I feel it is important to do a deworming to avoid any problems. What is the best option...

What could be the cause of a painless swelling in baby’s tibia bone?

I have seen noticed painless swelling in my 10 month old baby’s tibia bone. I don't think it bothers him, but I am worried what this swelling could be. I'd like your opinion...

What is the difference between an X-ray and a CT Scan?

My son is 3 years old and seems to be having a severe chest congestion followed by breathing difficulties. The X-ray shows a white patch on the lungs but no confirmed diagnosis....

My daughter is very thin can you please suggest some weight gaining techniques.

My daughter is 17 years old and is extremely thin. Are there any safe weight gain products that will genuinely help her gain the right amount of weight?

Is stretching before working out important for children as well

I have a son who is now 9 years old. He has just started running for marathons, and is working out everyday for the same. Before workouts should he be stretching just like adults...

Is antibiotic required to treat seasonal cough and cold?

I am a mother of a 5 year old boy. Every time my son gets a bout of cough and cold due to season changes, the doctors prescribe antibiotics. Is is necessary to have antibiotics...

My baby is 7 months old and is not gaining weight. What can I do?

My baby is now 7 months old and is just not gaining weight. He eats well but as per the height growth chart, his weight gain is inadequate. Is it ok or should I be concerned?...

My baby is constipated for a week. What can I do?

My baby is 4 weeks old now and has been severely constipated for a week. He is on breast milk only. The doctors say it is normal for babies to get constipation. But I am worried....

What are the multivitamins to be given to a 6 weeks old baby?

My little one is 6 weeks old now and the doctor has still not advised any multivitamins. Are there any multivitamins to be given to a six weeks old baby? Please advice.

My son is 1 year and detected with pneumonia. is it serious?

My son is a year old and has been detected with pneumonia. Yesterday night his wheezing got serious and he had to be admitted to the hospital. He was given oxygen support. I...

What is the right age for teething?

My daughter is 7 months old and has still not started teething. Is it something to be concerned about. What is the ideal age for teething?

My baby is 2 months old and has been detected with sepsis. What should we do?

My baby is 2 months old. Last week she had a high temperature and we rushed her to the hospital. Upon investigation it was detected that she has sepsis in the blood. She is...

My 4 month old baby is developing some kind of an allergic rash. Please help.

My daughter is 4 months old and she has suddenly developed some kind of an allergic rash all over her body. It is extremely painful to see her crying due to the irritation and...

What could be cause of sepsis in a newborn?

My sister just delivered a baby but within 4 hours of being born the baby developed sepsis and has been shifted to the NICU. What could be the reason for this? We are very worried...

My baby who is 8 months old had convulsions. What could be the reason?

My baby is 8 months old and recently had a bout of a viral infection with high grade fever. He has also convulsions at night. Could this be due to the infection or is it a problem...

How common is newborn jaundice?

My baby has jaundice and is receiving light therapy. How common is jaundice in a newborn?

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