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What happens to a child's brain during psychosis?

I am a 35 year old female. I want to know what happens to a child's brain during psychosis?

Can you self diagnose bipolar disorder in teenagers?

I think my teenage son has bipolar disorder. I want to know can you self diagnose bipolar disorder in teenagers?

How to help daughter who was bullied for being overweight?

My 14 year old daughter has been bullied for being overweight. How can I help her emotionally and physically to be healthier?

How is anxiety diagnosed in children?

My 12 year old son seems to suffer from mild anxiety from school. I want to know how is anxiety diagnosed in children?

Does depression damage your brain?

My 17 year old son suffers from depression. He doesn't want to spend time with friends or leave the house. Does depression damage your brain?

At what age is it still ok for your child to have an imaginary friend?

My 9 year old has an imaginary friend named, Daniel. At what age is it still ok for your child to have an imaginary friend?

What is behavioral therapy for autism?

My 12 year old daughter has autism and is on the spectrum. I heard about behavioral therapy. What is behavioral therapy for autism?

What is the cause of sleepwalking?

My 11 year old son is sleepwalking and it scared me and my husband. What is the cause of sleepwalking?

How do I help my child who keeps having nightmares?

My 7 year old son keeps having nightmares. Many involve him falling. How do I help my child who keeps having nightmares?

Can a 10 year old have Claritin?

My son is 10 years old and has seasonal allergies. I wonder if a 10 year old can have Claritin?

What are the benefits of speech therapy for anxious children?

I am a 31 year old female. I want to know what are the benefits of speech therapy for anxious children?

Is long-term use of Prozac safe?

My 14 year old son is taking Prozac and it really helps him. Is long-term use of Prozac safe?

Can stomach problems make it difficult for a child to sleep?

My 10 year old son says he can't sleep because his stomach hurts at night. Can stomach problems make it difficult for a child to sleep?

What foods can be eaten to raise your hemoglobin levels?

My 14 year old son needs to raise his hemoglobin levels. I want to know what foods can be eaten to raise your hemoglobin levels?

What is the fastest way to relieve gallbladder pain?

My 16 year old son has gallbladder pain according to his doctor. What is the fastest way to relieve gallbladder pain?

Can old concussions cause headaches?

I am a 19 year old male. I used to play hockey and had a few severe concussions. I'm worried that the old head injuries are causing me headaches now. Can old concussions cause...

Can a psychologist treat mental disorders?

I am a 17 year old female. I want to know if a psychologist can treat mental disorders?

How do you deal with anxiety?

My friend is 20 years old. He was diagnosed with anxiety. How do you deal with anxiety?

What is the most common anxiety disorder in children?

My son is 9 years old. I think he has anxiety. What is the most common anxiety disorder in children?

My son has become reliant on taking Tylenol?

My 17 year old son had a sprained ankle and took Tylenol often for it. Now he has Tylenol every day and his pain is gone. What to do?

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