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Is it true that people with PCOD cannot get pregnant?

I am a 32 year old woman and I am trying to have a baby. I am worried because since I started getting my period I have been suffering from PCOD. Will I not be able to get pregnant...

Is day time working better than night shifts?

I have an IT job where I will work night shifts for 6 months out of the year, beginning in 3 months. The other months, I work on a day time shift. Will this switch have a negative...

My lips are turning bluish and are slightly swollen. What could be the reason for this?

I am 24 years old and my lips are turning bluish and are slightly swollen too. What could be the reason for this and how will I have this treated?

I can hear a crackling sound in my joints. Does this indicate calcium deficiency?

I can hear a strange crackling sound in my joints, particularly my knees and elbows. What could be the reason for this? Could this be due to calcium deficiency?

My urine is cloudy. Is it a sign of an infection?

My urine is dark in color and is cloudy too. Is it a normal phenomenon or does it indicate any urinary infection? Could this also be an indication for diabetes?

My father is 64 years. What are the yearly vaccines he could take for better immunity?

I have read that once a person ages, it is important for them to take certain vaccines to improve immunity. What are the must take vaccines for the aged people?

I feel sudden dizziness. Why is this?

I am 42 years old and there are times when I suddenly feel very dizzy. I also feel heavy on my head especially when I bend down and come up. What could this be? Is this a sign...

Why do I keep having an upset stomach?

I am 30 years old and I have been getting an upset stomach very often these days. What could be the reason for this? What are the possible tests that I should undertake to confirm...

I am lactose intolerant. Is this treatable?

I am a 20 year old girl and I have been lactose intolerant since the age of 6. The doctors earlier told my parents that as I grow, the allergy will reduce, however it still continues....

What could be the possible cause for the swelling in my face?

I have just suddenly had severe swelling all over my face. I can't understand if it is due to an insect bite or some kind of an allergy. What could be the possible reason behind...

My daughter is very thin can you please suggest some weight gaining techniques.

My daughter is 17 years old and is extremely thin. Are there any safe weight gain products that will genuinely help her gain the right amount of weight?

What causes high BP?

My mother in law is suffering from fluctuating diabetes. Off late she was showing a lot of irritation in her moods and behaving very erratic. Upon a physical examination we found...

I am suffering from extreme fatigue and tiredness. Can I consume health supplements?

I am a 35 year old man and I am off late suffering from extreme fatigue and tiredness throughout the day. I generally feel very drained out and don’t even feel like doing any...

Unexplained bruising, cough, etc

Unexplained bruising for over a yr. At one point bruise would come and go. 4 weeks ago one huge bruise followed by many new smaller ones. Every day. Few random bruises on arms...

How long does it take for a bacterial eye infection to subside?

I was recently diagnosed with a bacterial eye infection on my left eye. I have completed my medication course of 1 week, however the infection has still not subsided fully. How...

Could my constipation be due to vitamin D supplements?

I have recently started taking vitamin D supplements for my Gout pain. From the time I started this medication, I have noticed my bowels have been erratic. I am suddenly having...

Is there a connection between breast reduction, asthma and back pain?

I recently came across an article that said one could effectively manage asthma and back pain by reducing their breasts. Is this true? What is the connection between the two?...

Is it true that proteins build muscles during a workout?

I am working out in the gym and the gym instructor has recommended me to consume some additional protein supplements. What is the connection between muscles and proteins? Are...

My symptoms started two months ago with dizziness that progressed?

I am a 32 year old and all of a sudden I have been feeling dizziness that lasts for about 10 minutes and subsides on its own. Is it something serious or a temporary phase?

What could be the reason behind lightheadedness, dizziness and stomach upset together?

My husband returned from work last evening and complained of symptoms like light headedness, dizziness and an upset stomach all together. What could be the reason behind these...

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