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What causes teens to have headaches and attention loss?

My 14-year-old daughter has periodic headaches and bloody noses. She also has issues with attention. I noticed that it's hard for her to focus on just one thing. What could...

When should a person with depression seek help?

My teenage daughter has been depressed. I noticed, but she's not officially diagnosed with it. Do you think I should take her to the doctor, if she's depressed? She hasn't expressed...

What should I do if my teen acts spoiled?

My daughter is 13 and her behavior is. . . very entitled. I think that's the right way to word it. I'm not sure what we can do to change her behavior, because she wasn't always...

What's the best way to teach my child anger control?

My daughter has had anger issues for as long as I can remember. When she was a kid it'd be tantrums, but now she's just plain disrespectful and loses her temper so easily. Is...

How is depression treated in teens?

My son is a teenager, 16 years old, and has been diagnosed by his doctor with depression. We're treating it with counseling, but are there other interventions for teens with depression?...

Is it safe for my daughter to be on anxiety medication?

My daughter is 16 years old and is going to talk therapy for the anxiety she feels while at school, mainly because of her grades and also because of her friends. The psychiatrist...

Can my teenager benefit from therapy?

My daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD, and is currently taking Adderall. So far, it's working for her, but I think she might also benefit from going to therapy alongside...

Is my daughter too young for antidepressants?

My daughter is a teenager, 15-years-old. I've been having her go to a psychiatrist once she started showing symptoms of depression and had expressed suicidal thoughts. I'm happy...

After my divorce, my daughter won't speak to me. What should I do?

My daughter has not spoken to me since my divorce. . . almost like she's mad at me. We didn't sit down and tell her why we divorced. But since it, I've noticed that she's barely...

My kid won't eat. Help!

My 14-year-old daughter has suddenly refused to eat anything. Could it be a physical or psychological issue? She does complain of stomach pain but I'm not sure she's telling...

What should I do for my daughter's severe mood swings?

My 14 year old daughter has severe mood swings -- especially around her periods. How can I help her?

My son won't speak to me after his father died. What should I do?

My son's father died a month ago, and my son barely speaks to me since his death. I really don't know what to do, and I feel like it's going on for way to long. Should I take...

My daughter is depressed about her speech problems

My 12 year old daughter has a speech impediment. She works very hard on improving her disorder, and rigorously practices her home exercises from her speech-language pathologist,...

Why is my daughter so nervous most of the time?

My daughter feels extremely nervous most of the time, and I'm not sure why. She doesn't want to be alone, ever. What could be the reason for this?

How can I motivate my daughter to lose weight?

My daughter is 13 years old and has gained too much weight. She is now low on confidence and I am finding it hard to help her. Please suggest ways in which I could treat her...

How do I manage my daughter's anxiety?

My daughter suffers from severe anxiety, and I don't know how we can really help her. Do you have any ideas on how we can help her keep it under control?

Why is my daughter not talking?

My daughter won't talk to me or anyone in our house, which is strange because before she was such a chatterbox. What should we do?

What is the treatment for anorexia?

My daughter has anorexia. Can this condition be managed with just counselling or does she require medication?

Why is my daughter so distracted when studying?

My daughter is extremely distracted when I ask her to study or write anything. We've tried to play "math games" and have our own little sessions of "Jeopardy" in our house, but...

What depression treatment is there?

I'm 17 years old and have been so depressed lately that I am failing many of my school classes. I have no motivation or interest in anything, not even going out with my friends....

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