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Is ADHD a neurological disorder or a behavioral disorder?

Is autism or ADHD a neurological disorder or a behavioral disorder in children? Is it considered to be permanent?

Is being addicted to medicines like paracetamols a mental problem?

My friend is 19 years old and I am observing he has a strange addiction to paracetamols like Crocin. I see him popping a Crocin tablet almost every day and it is worrying me about...

I believe I have nerve damage. I still can't walk far or properly, waiting on ENT. Would this be true?

In 1993 my top left wisdom tooth grew upwards drilled into my sinus bone lost ability to walk, vertigo and dizziness ever since, been diagnosed fibromyalgia, Hospital for years...

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

My father and grandfather both suffered from Parkinson’s disease when they were about 74 years old. I am now 56 years old. What are the chances that I will suffer from the disease...

My friend recently died of a stroke, could it have been prevented?

My friend died of a severe stroke and it left us all extremely shocked since he led a pretty healthy lifestyle. In how many hours of getting the stroke should he have been admitted...

Within how many hours of getting a stroke should one be admitted in the hospital?

My friend died of a severe stroke and it left us all extremely shocked. Could this have been prevented? When should someone exhibiting symptoms of a stroke be admitted to a hospital?...

Why is my mother complaining of hand shivering?

My mother is constantly complaining of shivering in her hands along with tremors. Is it Parkinson’s or some other neurological defect?

Are all tumors cancerous?

My father’s MRI showed a tumor in the brain. Is every tumor cancerous? How will it be tested now?

Why do I have pins and needles in my legs?

I am experiencing pins and needles in both my legs and this is leaving me with intense pain and discomfort. What could be the reason for this?

What are the symptoms of a brain tumor?

Can a brain tumor happen to anybody? Are there any symptoms? I lost my father to brain cancer and we were not able to identify his symptoms initially at all. So I would like...

I had a minor head injury 2 days ago. Although there are no changes in my vision, should I be worried?

I fell two days back and hit my head. It's very minor - just a scrape and a bruise. Although I am not experiencing any vision changes, should I worried about anything? Can I...

What is the possible treatment for vertigo?

My mother is 56 years old and experiences vertigo. What can we do to treat it? Is there a permanent treatment for vertigo?

Can anesthesia lead to neurological issues?

My father was administered general anesthesia for a medical procedure. After the procedure was over, he has been talking vaguely and complaining of hand tremors. Is it a side...

Can lower back pain lead to paralysis?

I have been suffering from lower back pain for the past 2 years. In spite of physiotherapy and exercises the pain has not gotten better. Will this remain like this or could it...

Can physiotherapy help my husband recover from a one-sided paralysis?

My husband suffered from a serious stroke that has left his left side paralysed. Although he is now back home, doctors have said he should start physiotherapy to gain his movement...

Can anaesthesia for a patient who is on sleeping medicines be dangerous?

My father has been taking sleeping medicines for the last 5 years. He is scheduled to undergo a surgery for his back for which he will be administered anaesthesia. Is there a...

I am 27 years old. I have been having dizziness for the last week. Could it be a brain tumor?

I am a 27 year old woman and I am having severe dizziness for the last week. I am having slight ache in my head also along with the dizziness. Could it be the sign of brain tumor?...

Is nerve pulling common in diabetic patients?

My mother is 68 years old and has been complaining of nerve pulling all over her legs and particularly thigh region. The doctor has indicated that this could be a sign of progressive...

What is the best way to determine internal head injury?

My daughter is 24 years old and she had a bike accident. She suffered some injuries on her right hand and leg and some bleeding on the head which looked external. How can we...

I am planning to go for a lip piercing. Will anaesthesia help in easing the pain?

I am planning to pierce my lip but I am obviously scared of the pain. Will anesthesia cream work even on numbing the lips region? Will it help if I get it from a local doctor?...

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