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My mother's eyes always seem red. What could be the reason?

My mom's eyes are always red and dry, and she usually has a lot of dark circles around her eyes. What could be the reason for this?

Why am I having a burning sensation in my eyes?

My eyes feel like they're burning, especially while I'm outside exposed to a hot sun. Why does this happen? And, how should I approach this? Would eyedrops help?

Can being in the sun without UV protection harm my eyes?

I often get out in the sun without the proper gear or UV protected sunglasses. Is this likely to harm my eyes in the long-run?

Are artificial tears safe for the eyes?

I have a play and need to use artificial tears for the role I have. Is it safe to use them? Are there any side effects that I should be aware of?

What could be the reason for pain in my left eye?

My left eye is hurting a lot, and it's sometimes making me twitch. Could there be any reason for this?

What do you recommend for an allergic reaction with the eyes?

With the increasing temperatures, my eyes get a burning sensation and even turn red. I think this is probably due to allergies. I try to wash them out the best I can once they...

Can using under eye creams harm the eyes in any way?

I am 36 years old and I started to notice that the area under my eyes is darkening. I have started using under eye creams, but I am worried if these could harm me in any way....

Can high blood pressure cause eyes to become blood red?

My mother has really high blood pressure that she takes pills for, but lately, I've noticed that her eyes are bloodshot. Could this be due to high blood pressure?

I recently read something about eye yoga. Is this really a thing?

On Facebook, I saw that this girl did something called eye yoga to improve her eyesight. I've never heard of this, nor have thought eye yoga was a thing. How can this help me?...

Can working in low light harm the eyes?

I work on the computer late at night and work with a dim lamp. Is this likely to impact my eyes in the long run?

Can you suggest some eye exercises for my son who is 7 years old?

My son is 7 years old and is highly exposed to electronic gadgets, which is constantly worrying me. Can you suggest some simple eye exercises?

Is it possible to salvage dried out contact lenses?

I didn’t use my contact lenses for a week and when I opened the box it appeared that the lenses have dried out. Is there any way to salvage them or do I have to toss them?

Can eye makeup cause problems to my vision?

I work on TV and I use a lot of eye makeup. Do you think this can affect my vision in the long run?

My left eye is red and painful. What could be the reason?

I am having a stinging pain in my left eye right at the tear duct and it is red. I washed it a couple of times but it didn't get better. It didn't get worse either. Could it...

Why do I blink so often?

I blink a lot, much more than normal people, it seems. People point it out to me and it makes me uncomfortable. Is there something wrong?

My son has a bacterial eye infection. How long should it take to heal?

My son got a bacterial eye infection from school. He underwent treatment with drops. It has now been 2 weeks but he still feels irritation. How long will the bacterial infection...

My husband has a parasite eye infection. Is it contagious?

My husband has recently been diagnosed with a parasitic eye infection and is undergoing treatment. Do you think this infection could be contagious?

My mother's eyes seem cloudy in color. Why?

My mother is heavily diabetic for the last 29 years. Lately we have been noticing that her eyes look pale and cloudy. What could be the reason?

My eyelids are suddenly blinking a lot and then it settles on its own. What causes it?

Lately I have been noticing that my eyelids have been blinking a lot. It does settle own on its own. It almost feels like a twitch. What could be the reason for this sudden...

I have a sharp pain in my eye because I accidentally slept with my contact lenses. What should I do?

I slept with my contact lenses and now my eyes hurt so much. What should I do so that the pain eases?

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