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What is the best treatment for a sprained foot?

I am a 19 year old female and I sprained my foot. What is the best treatment for a sprained foot?

Do they put you to sleep for shoulder surgery?

My 13 year old son needs shoulder surgery. Do they put you to sleep for shoulder surgery?

What are the different types of back surgery?

I am a 16 year old male who has a back injury from football. What are the different types of back surgery?

What is the recovery for knee surgery?

I am a 17 year old female. I want to know what is the recovery for knee surgery?

What causes knee pain in children?

My 11 year old son has knee pain but doesn't play sports. What causes knee pain in children?

Why does my son's arm ache at night?

My son is 11 years old. His left arm hurts at night. Why does my son's arm ache at night?

My son was tripped in lacrosse and has an aching leg?

My 14 year old son was tripped during a game of lacrosse. He now has pain in his calf and behind his knee. What does this mean?

How long does my son need to use crutches?

My 16 year old son broke his leg a week ago and has since been given a cast and crutches. How long does my son need to use crutches?

Does my daughter need to have orthopedic surgery?

My 13 year old daughter injured her arm after slipping down a few stairs. She seems okay but I want her to be looked at.

What happens if a torn ACL is not repaired?

I am a 17 year old male. I have a torn ACL from playing soccer. Should I have a surgery to repair it? What happens if a torn ACL is not repaired?

Are there any nonsurgical treatments for scoliosis?

My daughter has scoliosis but we want to try nonsurgical treatments first. Are there any nonsurgical treatments for scoliosis?

How do you prepare a 12 year old for the chiropractor?

I am taking my 12 year old to the chiropractor for the first time. How do I prepare her?

What could cause a numbing sensation in my arm?

I am a 19-year-old male and sometimes I have a numbing sensation in my arm. What could it be?

How does scoliosis affect balance?

My child is 13-years-old and started leaning on one side when he walks. How does scoliosis affect balance?

What should I do for son's chronic knee pain?

My son's knee has been hurting him for a couple of months now. It hurts when he bends it and puts pressure on it. Should he see a doctor?

Can kids have scoliosis?

My 14-year old son has a poor posture and I'm a bit scared. Can kids have scoliosis?

What could be causing my son's back pain?

My son, 12 years old, is an athlete, but lately he's been experiencing pain in his lower back for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't injured his back, not that I'm aware of. What could...

What can I do for son's shoulder pain?

My son fell on his shoulder badly while he was playing his baseball game, and now his shoulder is in a lot of pain. What can I do for this?

Why does son have right shoulder pain?

My son is a pitcher and 13 years old. His right shoulder has been hurting him, and it's not really his pitching arm. Could this be caused by playing baseball? What do we do...

What is advanced bone age?

My son is 13-years-old and we had him examined because we felt that he was unusually short for his age. The doctor explained that he has 'advanced bone age'. What does this mean?...

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