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Are there any exercises I can do to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

I work at a computer 8 hours a day, and I am beginning to feel some little twinges in my wrists. I don't want to get carpal tunnel syndrome. Are there any exercises I can do...

What are some ways to prevent carpal tunnel?

I type a lot at work and lately I've been experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel in my fingers. I'm really young, 24 years old, so I don't think I should be dealing with this...

How long does the pain last after finger surgery?

I'm 22, and I'm going to have plastic surgery on my trigger finger at the end of the month. How long does the pain last after this surgery?

Is a partially torn UCL of thumb serious?

I'm 30 years old and my doctor told me that I have a partially torn UCL in my thumb. However, he told me it will heal on its own. Is this injury usually serious?

Do store-bought braces work for carpal tunnel?

I feel like I have carpal tunnel syndrome and I want to find ways to treat it without resorting to surgery or anything like that. Do you think a brace from, like, Amazon or Walmart...

What should I know going into my hand surgery follow up?

I needed to have hand surgery last week and so far, everything seems to be all right. I had the surgery for my trigger finger. My follow-up is at the end of this week; what...

What's the best way to treat trigger finger?

I was diagnosed with trigger finger recently but I had this issue for a very long time, around 4 months. What's the best way to treat this? I want to treat it without surgery...

What can I do for claw hand?

I burned myself on the hand and when I noticed that my hand's scar was causing my fingers to curve, my doctor diagnosed me with claw hand. He told me that I should wear a brace...

How do cortisone injections work for carpal tunnel?

I've been dealing with carpal tunnel for the past five years. I already tried a wrist brace, and it semi-works but the pain always comes back. How do cortisone injections work...

How long does it take for carpal tunnel syndrome to go away?

I am a 33 year old female and my doctor diagnosed me with carpal tunnel. I'm wearing a brace right now to help it. Will this ever go away?

Can iPads cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

I just bought an iPad, but now I'm worried about carpal tunnel. I try to prop it up against books or something similar, but I'm not sure if this is enough support for my wrists....

How effective is a splint for trigger finger syndrome?

I noticed that I have trigger finger syndrome, and I'm researching treatment options for it. How effective is a splint for treatment?

When is surgery for rheumatoid arthritis recommended?

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis a few years ago and I noticed that the joints in my fingers are starting to look deformed. Would I eventually need surgery?

Large scar on my hand. Can it be removed?

A while back I burned my hand while making tea and it left a second degree burn. I probably should have gone to the hospital for it but I was young and stupid, so I didn't. But...

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