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When should a child be given antibiotics for cough?

My child is 3 years old and goes to school. He often gets infected with a cold and cough. Sometimes the cough is normal while often it is accompanied by a fever. When is the...

My baby makes a whistling sound when sleeping. What does it mean?

My baby is 3 months old and I have been observing a sleeping sound that comes when she breathes while sleeping that sounds like a whistle. What does this sound indicate and is...

When can I introduce my baby to packaged milk?

My baby is 8 months old now and I would like to know if this is the right time to introduce him to outside or packaged milk? Is there a test to confirm if the outside milk is...

My daughter sits in a W position most of the time. Is it really bad for her?

I have read a number of articles that say sitting in W position is bad for the kids. Is that true? I always thought it is a natural position for kids to sit. What are the real...

Does wheezing in a child indicate asthma?

Every time my son gets has a cough and a cold it ends up with him wheezing severely. Is wheezing a sign of childhood asthma or is it normal in kids when they have cold?

My son has constipation issues for the last 3 months. What natural foods can I give him?

My son is having severe constipation issues for the last 3 months. Given his food habits are still the same what could be the reason behind this issue? Are there any recommended...

My son is having lower back pain at night. What could be the reason for this?

My son is 8 years old and he is complaining of lower back pain every night. What could be the reason behind this pain? Could it be something serious?

Is nebulization safe? How does it work?

Every time my child gets a bout of coughs along with a slight wheeze, the doctor suggests nebulization for some quick relief. Is it safe to give nebulization frequently? How...

My baby is 4 months old and has not passed stools for the last 4 days. What should I do?

I have a 4 month old baby. She has not passed stools for the last 4 days and I am extremely worried. What should I do to help her?

Is stretching before working out important for children as well

I have a son who is now 9 years old. He has just started running for marathons, and is working out everyday for the same. Before workouts should he be stretching just like adults...

Can I give OTC cough syrups to my 9 month old baby?

My baby is 9 months old and is suffering from cough. He doesn’t seem to have fever or any other problem except for the cough. Is it safe to give OTC cough syrup to a 9 month...

My 1 month old baby sleeps for long hours and even doesn’t wake up for feeds unless woken up. Is it normal?

My baby is 1 month old and she is a full term healthy baby weighing 3 kgs. I am a first time mother and would like to know for how long can a baby sleep in a day? My baby sleeps...

Are there any home remedies to treat diaper rash?

My baby has recently developed diaper rashes. There are commercial diaper creams available in the market but i am not sure of their efficacy. Are there any trusted and safe home...

How can i decrease my child’s anxiety about school?

My son is 3 years old and has just started school. It has been a month since he started school, but the anxiety about going to school hasn't decreased at all. The moment he sees...

How important are multivitamin supplements?

I am a parent with two kids one being 2 years and the other one being 4 years. I have been recommended certain multivitamin supplements by the doctor to be given to the two....

My son who is 3 weeks old was born with small eyes. Is that a problem?

I am a first time mom and have a son who is about 3 weeks old now. Since birth we have observed that he has very small eyes. Even at 3 weeks, his eyes seem to small compared...

How often is it required to bottle feed my baby?

I am new mom with a baby who is just 1 month old. I am breast feeding my baby however it doesn't seem to be enough. The doctor has advised a top up feed for the baby. I just...

What can i do if my child gets sick on a weekend?

I have a baby who is just 2 months old. I have been worrying sick about what I should do if at all my baby falls sick on a weekend, and the doctors are not accessible? Is hospital...

Are over-the-counter cough medications safe?

My son is suffering from cough since yesterday. While it doesn't seem to be anything alarming and looks like the seasonal cough, can I give him over-the-counter cough medicines?...

Starting on solid foods

My baby is 9 months old. He is very interested in finger foods and has no desire to nurse or have me feed him. How can I make sure he is getting enough to eat?

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