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Can vitamin C prevent the flu?

I've been trying to boost up my immune system so that I don't have to take any of my sick days from work. I want to try taking something like, Airborne, to increase my levels...

Are chest pains always an emergency?

My mom was having chest pains the other day, and I wanted to take her to the hospital but she told me that she was okay and refused to go. It turned out that she was dealing with...

Does insomnia affect my child's schooling?

I think my daughter has insomnia. She stays up all night and takes naps throughout the day when she's home. I haven't heard anything from her school about her falling asleep...

Is incontinence normal after treatment for a kidney infection?

My daughter did not complain about the pain associated with a kidney infection until it was too late. We had to go to urgent care, and then to a hospital where she was immediately...

Do stents need to be replaced?

My uncle had to have 7 stents put in place after his heart attack. Do these stents need to be replaced after some time? Or are they reliable enough to last a lifetime?

Should I consider taking probiotics regularly?

I heard that probiotics are really good for your digestive health and I would really like to start taking them. How often should I take probiotics? And, what is the best probiotic...

What are some foods that have vitamin D?

I was told that I have a vitamin D deficiency, so I need to stock up on it as soon as possible. What are some vitamin D foods that I should be having? Should I look into supplements?...

Swollen lymph nodes making it difficult to breath. Will the hospital help me?

I have a big lump on the left side of my neck, the size of a grape fruit. I don't have medicare. It's very uncomfortable. If I go to the emergency room will they help me? I'm...

Difficulty swallowing

I am a heavy smoker, have had a sore throat for 2 weeks, and have had difficulty swallowing at times. I also suffer from GERD. Should I see a specialist? My doctor doesn't seem...

Are cardiovascular diseases hereditary?

My family has a history of cardiovascular diseases, and I'm worried that I might have one as well. Am I at risk for a cardiovascular disease if I have a family history with them?...

What are the risk factors of celiac disease in children?

I was diagnosed with celiac disease quite recently, and I just learned that there is a genetic component with the disease. And, I'm worried that my daughter might develop it too....

Is it possible for stress to delay my period?

I've been crazy stressed lately because of the holidays, and I just realized that this month my period was not only late, but also short (like 3-4 days when it usually lasts the...

Should I visit a cardiologist if I have kidney issues?

Is it necessary for a patient with chronic kidney disease to get a check-up from a cardiologist? Are they both related?

Can my family doctor treat anxiety?

My younger brother has been experiencing anxiety attacks in these past couple of weeks. We aren't sure if we should go to our family doctor for his issue, or if we should take...

Can a family practitioner recommend antidepressant medications?

One of my family friends is being treated for depression by her family doctor, who is prescribing her certain antidepressants. Is that okay or would it be better to reach out...

What are the qualifications and training required to become a specialist in family medicine?

I want to become a qualified family practitioner. Currently I have completed my Bachelor’s degree. What are the degree's requirements and how many years would it take to complete...

How can I lose weight with my diabetes?

I am a diabetic and I want to lose weight. However, I always have trouble dieting. Is there a way to lose weight without dieting?

Why do I have fluid accumulation around my knees?

I have been walking everyday. And I have observed slight swelling around my knees and the doctor says it is due to fluid accumulation. Why do I have this accumulation in my knees?...

Is it safe to have oats everyday?

I eat oats everyday. Is it okay to eat them so frequently or can they cause any health issues?

What can I do to prevent a heart attack?

Are there any supplements available to maintain a healthy heart? What can I do to prevent a heart attack?

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