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I am still having pain after my wisdom tooth extraction last week. Why is this happening?

I am having constant pain at the site of my wisdom tooth extraction even after a week of the procedure. What could be the reason for this pain?

Can mouthwashes cause erosion of teeth calcium?

I read in an article that frequent use of mouthwashes can rip off the calcium from the teeth and make them weaker. Is this really true?

How effective are sensitivity toothpastes in treating the problem?

I have seen a lot of commercials that talk about sensitivity toothpastes and how they help in treating tooth sensitivity. Do they really work?

Is bad breath during cold and cough normal?

I am having a bad infection which has caused severe cold and cough for me. I am on antibiotics. However, I have noticed that I am also having bad breath since the infection....

What is the right age to get braces for my child?

My son is 7 years old and his permanent teeth have just started emerging. He is having spaces in his front two teeth already. When would be the right age to see if he needs braces?...

What calcium supplements do you recommend for my son's calcium deficiency?

My son is 8 years old and is lactose intolerant. What calcium supplements do you recommend I can give him to fulfill his calcium requirements for stronger teeth and gums?

I am having excessive saliva secretion in my mouth. Does it mean an infection?

All of a sudden I am producing excessive saliva. I am noticing it because I feel like I am involuntarily drooling at times. Does it indicate an oral infection?

Does yellow teeth ever mean tooth decay?

I have a yellow film on my teeth. Is it only discoloration or does it mean tooth decay?

I am bleeding after 6 hours of my tooth extraction. What should I do?

I underwent a tooth extraction procedure and after about 6 hours of the treatment, I am having some bleeding and pain in my gums. What is wrong with me? Will I be fine?

What could be the reason for my mouth dryness?

I am having dryness inside my mouth. This has been happening since a couple days ago. What could be the reason? Is it worth visiting a doctor? No matter how much I drink or...

Can cavities in one tooth affect other teeth as well?

I had a cavity in my molar tooth, and got it filled. Now I am having sensitivity and pain in my teeth around the tooth. Could the cavity have spread from that tooth to others...

How should I maintain my gum health?

I am 27 years old and I brush my teeth twice a day and floss once a week. While teeth hygiene and health is taken care of, what should I do to ensure good health in my gums?

I recently read an article that said poor dental health could cause respiratory problems. Is it true?

I recently read an article about the various health problems that could result due to poor oral health. The article mentioned that poor dental health could also cause respiratory...

Can brushing my teeth with salt whiten my teeth?

My teeth are yellow from smoking cigarettes years back. I've read somewhere that brushing your teeth with salt can help with whitening your teeth. Is this true? I want to try...

What should I do for my chipped tooth?

Yesterday while chewing on some nuts, my tooth chipped right in the front. What should I do for it now? What type of procedure is required for a chipped tooth, if there is any?...

What are natural ways to deal with tooth sensitivity?

I am facing a lot of tooth sensitivity particularly in my molar teeth. I am unable to handle extreme temperatures. Would visiting a dentist be beneficial for this? Is there...

Rash in the mouth

Person's teeth were removed. Waiting for healing and denture. Age - 67 years. No alcohol, no tobacco. She has rash in the mouth on the right and left side. The rash is whitish,...

How can I prevent yellowing of my teeth?

I am 34 years old and of late, I am noticing a yellow film on my teeth along with stains. Could it be permanent damage to my teeth or can it be cleaned by a dentist? What could...

What is the treatment suggested for treating dental plaque and soreness in the gums?

I am feeling soreness in my gums, and I can also see dental plaque developing in the back of my mouth. What is the suggested treatment for this problem? I have a phobia of visiting...

Are whitening toothpastes bad for the teeth?

I have been using whitening toothpastes for the last 3 months. But, I recently read an article that said whitening toothpastes do not protect the teeth and the gums. Is this...

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