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What is the side effect of creams containing kojic acid?

I have read that creams containing kojic acid have the ability to improve my complexion and whiten my skin. However, before using any cream I would like to know if there are any...

My son's skin begins to itch because of sun exposure. What could be the reason for this?

Whenever my son plays in the sun for long hours, his skin turns red and begins to itch. What could be the reason for this and what is the remedy to treat this?

What is the best way to treat acne marks?

I am 25 years old and my face is filled with acne marks. I am getting married in 6 months, so I want to get rid of these. What is the best way to remove these acne spots?

Does calamine work for dry skin?

I have extremely dry and sensitive skin which itches particularly during the winters. Do you think it is a good idea to apply calamine on my skin?

What is the after care for a piercing?

I got my ear cartilage pierced yesterday. I am noticing some redness around the pierce and it also hurts when touched. What is the after care process that I should be following?...

How can one make out the difference between melanoma and a mole?

I have a few moles on a few parts of my body. I am confused whether it is melanoma or just a mole?

Can you please give me some tips to fix my dry skin?

During the winter my skin is extremely dry, and an odd kind of dry. My skin gets caught on things and lotion seems to provide no relief. I have tried a number of moisturizers...

I have a pus filled boil on my index finger. I am a diabetic. Can it get complicated?

I am a diabetic with an HbA1C of 9. I have a pus filled boil in my index finger. I am not sure if it is just a boil or what else could it be?

I have red pimples on my face due to makeup accumulation. Please help.

I am 32 years old and due to work I have to wear makeup almost 12 hours a day. Sometimes I forget to cleanse my face at night, and this has caused red pimples all over my cheeks....

What could be the cause of dark tinted spots on my fingers?

I have recently observed dark spots around my fingers which almost look like bruises. While they do not hurt at all they just have come out of nowhere. What could these spots...

6-month-old itchy scalp: Is this cradle cap?

My 6 month old has been itching her scalp for a while now. Most recently it started keeping her up at night. The pediatrician said she doesn't think it is cradle cap, but I...

What could be the cause of my back itching?

Lately I have been noticing that I am having severe itching all over my back. The itching is intense for 5 minutes and then subsides. Could it be an allergy or some kind of a...

Is there a way to reduce stretch marks?

After my pregnancy I have had severe stretch marks all over my body. They are not only on my stomach but also all over my arms and calf muscles. Is there a way to reduce these...

Is there a way to prevent cold sores from children?

This is the third time that my daughter has a cold sore, and she's only 5 years old. She keeps catching the infection from school. Is there a way to prevent this condition from...

How should you treat psoriasis?

My father has been suffering from psoriasis and the doctor has recommended a few medications for him. Is there any alternative therapy that could also work?

Is Cetaphil helpful in soothing irritated skin due to eczema?

I have been suffering from eczema for a long time and have been on continuous treatment for it. My doctor has now recommended me to use Cetaphil lotion to help in soothing the...

What could be the cause of this severe pigmentation on my lower chin?

I am having a lot of black spots and pigmentation on my lower chin. What could be the reason for this? I also have PCOD, so could there be a connection between it and my pigmented...

Are regular facials harmful for the skin?

I am 36 years old and I go in for facials every month. Can these regular facials harm my skin in the long run?

My 6 year old daughter has small very dark spots on her face. What are these?

My daughter is 6 years old and her face is filled with tiny black spots, mostly on the top of her cheeks near the eyes. What are these spots and what can we do?

My hand nails are turning blue. What could be the reason?

My fingernails are suddenly turning this bluish black color at the bottom of the tips. While they don’t hurt, they feel a little sensitive, it feels a little sensitive. What...

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