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How often is it required to bottle feed my baby?

I am new mom with a baby who is just 1 month old. I am breast feeding my baby however it doesn't seem to be enough. The doctor has advised a top up feed for the baby. I just...

What can i do if my child gets sick on a weekend?

I have a baby who is just 2 months old. I have been worrying sick about what I should do if at all my baby falls sick on a weekend, and the doctors are not accessible? Is hospital...

Are over-the-counter cough medications safe?

My son is suffering from cough since yesterday. While it doesn't seem to be anything alarming and looks like the seasonal cough, can I give him over-the-counter cough medicines?...

Starting on solid foods

My baby is 9 months old. He is very interested in finger foods and has no desire to nurse or have me feed him. How can I make sure he is getting enough to eat?

Is it necessary for me to keep my son at home if he has pinkeye?

My son is 5 years old and goes to school as well as a day care. He has developed pinkeye for the last two days. The doctor has prescribed medications. Although it is not painful,...

My second child is 14 months old and hasn't taken her first steps. Is something wrong?

My first child took his first steps at 10 months, but my second child is 14 months old and still hasn't taken her first steps. I am concerned. Could this be a sign of a developmental...

Motion sickness in children?

My son experiences motion sickness whenever we travel, sometimes to the point of vomiting. I don't want to give him medication, so what can I do?

My baby blinks excessively. What's wrong?

My baby is 7 months old. Recently he has been blinking excessively and has a concerned look in his eyebrows. What's wrong with him? What can I do?

Wiring a broken jaw

My sister broke her jaw in gymnastics. It has been wired shut. I know the wires will be in about 6 weeks but how long until she is fully recovered?

Can autism be developed?

Is it possible for my child to "develop" autism, or would he have been born with it?

Can calcium deficiency impact teeth?

My son is lactose intolerant and I have been unable to feed him milk. His teeth as a result are not very strong. Can calcium deficiency impact the health of teeth?

Is asthma hereditary?

My grandfather had asthma (pretty severe). My mom doesn't have it. I'm concerned I might get it, or that my kids will suffer as much as my grandfather did. How can I prevent...

My son who is 5 years old is having a ringing sensation in his ears. Is it treatable?

My son is 5 years old and has been complaining of a ringing sensation in his ears for the last week. At first, I ignored it saying it may be temporary, but later I read that the...

Meltdowns Behaviour

My 5 year old has just started in year 1, he is good in school, behind in some things, but at home he still has meltdowns & if we're out sometimes runs off in a meltdown but hasn't...

Can you get strep throat without tonsils?

I had my tonsils removed when I was younger, I am 16 years old now. Today I have a sore throat with a fever and puss in my throat. Is it possible to have strep throat with...

Is my child's hyperactivity due to Claritin?

My 5 year old child has had a cold for two weeks. I took her to the pediatrician who said it was allergies and told me to give her Claritin once a day in the morning. I have...

Patient privacy when it's a child being seen

If my child is being seen my a therapist or psychiatrist will I be told what is going on and what the treatment should be? Or will my child have to tell me? I don't think I will...

Looking for help with my teenage daughter

I know the teenage years are tough for kids. Should I have my 14 year old daughter see a physciatrist? There aren't any particular problems now but I was thinking that might...

How important is having friends?

My 12 year old daughter doesn't seem to have any friends. She does not seem upset by this at all but I worry. Should I take her to see a therapist?

My son watches the same movie over and over

My son is 6 years old. He will watch the same movie over and over. He would watch it several times a day if I let him. Eventually he will change to a different subject but his...

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