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Is sudden fever with sniffing a sign of dengue?

I am suddenly suffering from 101. 3 degree fever along with a cold and sniffing. The fever started out all of a sudden. I am extremely worried if this could be a sign of dengue....

My son is working in the hospital as a radiologist. Will the waves from the machines cause him any harm?

My son is working as a radiologist and although he tells me precautions are taken at all times, I am worried whether the radioactive waves from the machines will cause him any...

Is anesthesia in low blood pressure patients risky?

I am a 27 year old man and I am suffering from a genetic low blood pressure problem. I am due for a root canal treatment for which the doctor will give anesthesia in the affected...

I have pus-filled white bumps around my ankle. What could this be?

I have noticed pus-filled white bumps around my foot and ankle, and I am not sure what this is. Is this something serious?

My legs are dry and itchy. What could this be?

I am having extreme dryness and itching all over my legs. The rest of my body seems fine and this is only around my legs, particularly my ankles. What could be the cause for...

My stomach seems extremely hard. What could it be?

Just around my belly button, I can feel something hard inside my stomach which also hurts when I touch it. It's a dull, full-feeling pain, nothing sharp. What could this be?...

Which thermometer is more accurate?

I know you can measure body temperature with both an oral and ear thermometer. My mother always used the ear one when I was growing up. Which is more accurate?

What are the symptoms of a blood infection?

Are there any symptoms of a blood infection or does it only have to be diagnosed through a test? My mother died of a blood infection and it always worries me for myself and my...

How can hemoglobin levels be increased?

My mother in law’s hemoglobin levels have gone down to 7 due to her kidney disease. The doctor has recommended an injection called CRESP40 which is injected weekly through IV....

I have a stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. Should I be worried?

I am a 32-year-old woman and I am having a stabbing pain in the lower part of my abdomen. I took a painkiller and the pain subsided for a bit, but now it's back. Should I be...

I have pain where my groin is. What could it be?

I am a 27-year-old man and suddenly I am feeling a lot of pain around my groin. What could this pain be?

Are there any symptoms of lung cancer?

My mother and grandmother both suffered and died from lung cancer. I am worried that I may suffer from the disease too. Are there any symptoms to diagnose this disease early...

My hernia has developed again. Should I get it operated on?

I underwent a hernia operation six months ago. However, I again developed a similar pain and the scans have indicated that I am having a small hernia. Should I again go in for...

What are the black dots all over my body after my gallbladder surgery?

I recently underwent a gallbladder surgery for acute pancreatitis. After the surgery, I have black dots that are appearing all over my body. What could these be?

My dad's stitches opened after bypass surgery, leading to blood loss. Will it require another surgery?

My father is 72 years old and he recently underwent a bypass surgery. After he was discharged from the hospital, his stitches suddenly opened and it resulted in a lot of blood...

Is day time working better than night shifts?

I have an IT job where I will work night shifts for 6 months out of the year, beginning in 3 months. The other months, I work on a day time shift. Will this switch have a negative...

Is diarrhea and pain after a surgery normal?

I am having severe pain and diarrhea after my gall bladder surgery. Is it normal or should I be concerned?

My son is having lower back pain at night. What could be the reason for this?

My son is 8 years old and he is complaining of lower back pain every night. What could be the reason behind this pain? Could it be something serious?

I feel sudden dizziness. Why is this?

I am 42 years old and there are times when I suddenly feel very dizzy. I also feel heavy on my head especially when I bend down and come up. What could this be? Is this a sign...

Is severe itching in the vagina during pregnancy a sign of an infection?

I am 5 months pregnant and suddenly I am suffering from severe vaginal itching. Is this normal in pregnancy or is it a sign of an infection?

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