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I had my wisdom tooth removed yesterday. When can I start eating solid food again?

I recently got my wisdom tooth removed. Although there is no pain, there is slight numbness around the treated area. When can I start eating solid foods again?

What are the best ways to get rid of tooth sensitivity?

I am suffering from a lot tooth sensitivity and I am scared to take medications for this. Are there any home remedies that can help me deal with tooth sensitivity?

What causes yellowing teeth?

My front-facing teeth are turning yellow. I am not sure what is causing this issue. Could it be due to my smoking habit? What can I do to get rid of the yellowish tinge on my...

What are the steps involved in maintaining good oral hygiene?

I brush my teeth twice a day and gargle my mouth every time I finish eating my food. What else should I do to maintain a good oral hygiene?

I am not very satisfied with my RCT. What should I do about it?

I recently underwent a root canal treatment for my molar tooth. However, even after the treatment I find the area sensitive. Does it mean I need to undergo another round of treatment?...

My mother lost all of her teeth. What can be done?

My mother is 67 years old and she lost all of her teeth. Her dentist told us that she should be fitted for dentures, but my mom feels uncomfortable with the idea. Is this the...

I feel pain and pressure on my gums. What could this be from?

I feel pain and pressure in a particular area on my gums. What could this be from? Could it be some kind of a dental infection or is it something else?

My daughter chipped her front two teeth. What are our options?

My daughter is 7 years old and chipped two of her front teeth. I am worried as these were her permanent teeth. What are our options? We have a dentist appointment next week....

Why are my gums swollen?

I am feeling a dull pain and a swelling in my gums. The pain is only when the gums are touched and when I brush/floss. What could the reason for this be?

How long after my extraction stitches are removed can I drink or eat?

My dentist will be removing my extraction stitches tomorrow. The stitch is around my molar teeth. When will it be okay to drink or eat again?

What is the medication that the dentist will use as an anesthesia before my root canal?

I am going to undergo a root canal surgery tomorrow. I want to know what is the medication that the dentist will use as an anaesthesia before the surgery? What if the medicine...

Why do my oral ulcers keep coming back?

I am having a lot of oral ulcers problem and these keep coming back. What could be the reason for these recurring mouth ulcers?

Can a toothpaste help with tooth sensitivity?

I am suffering from severe sensitivity of my teeth every time I have something cold or very hot. I have seen commercials that show how a toothpaste can help in fighting tooth...

Is the yellow tinge on my teeth caused by smoking permanent?

I have been a smoker for the last 3 years and there is yellowing on my teeth that has started from the time I began smoking. Will this be permanent or can it be treated?

What could be the cause of my throbbing tooth pain?

I am having an intense pain in my teeth every time I chew on my right side. What could be the cause of this pain?

What are the ways to close the gap between two frontal teeth?

I have a gap between my front two teeth. I know braces is one of the most common options for closing the gap. Are there any other ways of closing this gap between my front two...

Does clove oil really work in easing tooth pain?

I am suffering from an intense pain in my tooth and someone suggested that I should place a cotton soaked in clove oil to ease the pain. Does this remedy really work?

I have white dots on both of my gums and tongue. What could these be?

I have white dots that look like pimples on the inside of my cheek. There are one or two of these dots even on my tongue. What could these be?

Why does my breath stink?

Even after brushing my teeth twice a day and rinsing my mouth with mouthwash, my breath smells very bad. Could this be associated with indigestion or is it some other oral problem?...

I have severe pain in my deep cavity filling. What could this be?

I have severe pain in my deep cavity, which has been extremely sensitive to the cold from ever since I got the filling done. I was unable to bite on this teeth and had shooting...

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