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I am overweight and have recently started running. What are the precautions I should take?

I am over weight by over 65 lbs, and I have recently started running to lose weight and to stay healthy. What are the precaution people with excess weight should take while running...

Can a change of mattress cause back pain?

My wife and myself are suddenly suffering from severe back pain. Could it be a result of change of mattress that we have recently had?

Can Physiotherapy help a lung patient to recover from a chronic illness?

My son is 6 years old and has suffered a severe bout of lung infection that has caused his lungs to become very weak. The doctors have advised him certain physiotherapy exercises...

I slept incorrectly and my right hand is in a lot of pain. What should I do?

Yesterday night I slept incorrectly on my right hand. As a result my entire hand and neck region is hurting a lot. I have had a Combiflam to relieve the pain. However after...

Exercise for frozen shoulders?

I am a 30 year old man and I am suffering from frozen shoulders due to long hours of working in front of the computer. Are there any exercises that will help me in my situation?...

I am suffering from hip pain during pregnancy. Will it last forever?

I am suffering from an extreme pain in my hips. I am five months pregnant, and this pain happened quite suddenly. Is this a common pregnancy symptom that will go away, or will...

Can physiotherapy help me with my frozen shoulder?

I am having a lot of pain all over my arms due to my frozen shoulder. Can I undertake physiotherapy to get relief from my condition?

What are the lung exercises you would recommend for an asthma patient?

My daughter is 13 years old and is severely asthmatic. I am considering physiotherapy to strengthen her lungs. What exercises would you recommend in this condition?

What can I do to counter the numbness in my neck and shoulders?

I am suffering from some numbness around my neck and shoulder. Are there any specific exercises that can help me with this numbness?

What exercises can my mom do to relieve her back pain?

My mother has been suffering from extreme back pain and the medications are not helping her much. Are there any specific exercises that she can do to get relief from this back...

Can a small baby get arthritis?

My nephew is barely 6 months old, and has been detected with a rare form of arthritis. We are all extremely worried, will he have to live with pain all his life or can this get...

What could be the cause of a painless swelling in baby’s tibia bone?

I have seen noticed painless swelling in my 10 month old baby’s tibia bone. I don't think it bothers him, but I am worried what this swelling could be. I'd like your opinion...

Is slipped disc a lifetime condition?

I am a 45 year old woman and I recently suffered from a slipped disc. The doctor has advised extreme caution and care now. Is slipped disc a lifetime condition or does it get...

I had a fall and my hip ball socket came off. Will I be able to walk normally ever?

I am a 35 year old woman and I had a major fall where my hip ball socket came off. Will it become a permanent disability or will I be able to walk normally ever again?

Is joint pain a symptom of gout?

I am having a lot of pain in my joints including my knees and elbows. Could this be a sign of gout or is it something else? Can I take up any form of exercises to reduce this...

Why is my lower back swollen?

I have a bulge and swelling in my lower back which hurts a lot whenever i sit or lie down for a long time. Why does this happen? The doctor says it is not anything serious....

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

I am a 40 year old woman and I've been very athletic for most of my life. I wanted to understand the symptoms of osteoporosis. When should I be on the lookout for any symptoms?...

I wake up with sore feet every morning. How can I treat it?

My feet feel extremely sore and painful right when I step out of bed. Can physical therapy or exercises of any kind help me relieve this pain?

I am a woman suffering from Jones fracture. What is the course of treatment for this?

I am a 24 year old woman suffering from Jones fracture. I have a radiating pain in the middle part of my foot due to the fracture. What is the course of treatment to handle this...

My daughter is recovering after a paralytic stroke from Guillian Barre syndrome. How should I go about her physical therapy?

My daughter is 7 years old and suffered a paralytic stroke resulting from GBS or the Guillian Barre syndrome. She was in the hospital for close to six months but is now recovering...

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