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Will my pregnancy hip pain subside after delivery?

I have terrible hip pain and I am in the sixth month of my pregnancy. Will this pain subside after my delivery?

Is it safe to have oral sex during pregnancy?

I am 3 months pregnant and I would like to know if there are any risks involved with oral sex during my pregnancy?

Why do I feel a lack of sex drive after giving birth?

I recently delivered my baby and ever since, I have lost interest in sex. Is it normal? Will it improve on its own or will I have to take medication or something?

Can masturbation cause problems with urinating?

I masturbate every once in a while, and lately I've noticed a small bleeding while/after masturbating. I also feel a constant urge to pee after I'm done. Usually only small amounts...

What's the difference between emergency contraceptive and the abortion pill?

How does plan B work differently than the abortion pill?

My friend had heavy bleeding after taking the abortion pill. Does she need a D&C?

My friend took abortion pills and thereafter had heavy bleeding which stopped on its own. Does she require a D&C?

Why do I have a lot of white discharge?

I started to notice that I'm having an excessive amounts of white discharge throughout the day. What could be the reason for this? Could it be something serious?

The doctor has advised me to undergo pap smear test. Does it hurt?

I went to the doctor and she said that I have to start getting a pap smear when I go, every year for my annual. I'm only 19, and this is really worrying me. Does it hurt?

Bad bloods in pregnancy

Hi, I have been diagnosed with pregnancy anemia and my platelets count has been fluctuating between 70000-99000 over the past 3 weeks. Currently at 85000 with a platelet distribution...

I am 8 months pregnant and had some spotting. Could this mean anything abnormal?

I am 8 months pregnant and had some spotting. Very minimal. Can this be risky in any way?

Why is it difficult to insert an IUD for a second time?

I had an IUD. However, after 4 years I got it removed and now my OBGYN is advising I don't use it again. Why?

I am 42 years old and I am expecting. Is there a chance that my baby would have down syndrome?

I am 42 years old and my husband and I are currently expecting a baby. But I read that because I'm a little older, that there might be a chance that my baby could have down syndrome....

Can I start doing yoga within 1 month of a C-section?

I had a C-section just about a month ago. Can I start doing yoga exercises to try to get back in shape or is it too early still? I feel fine otherwise.

Why am I gaining weight despite of exercise and diet?

I am persistently gaining weight even though I have been working out and dieting. I am still not able to lose weight around my tummy. Should I get some hormones checked?

What is the treatment for an enlarged uterus?

A recent USG indicated that I have an enlarged uterus. What is the treatment for this, usually? I'm discussing with this in my next appointment with my OB-GYN, but I want to...

What are the precautions you should take in case of placenta previa?

My daughter is 15 weeks pregnant and she had a recent episode of slight bleeding. The doctor confirmed it is placenta previa. What precautions should we take to ensure safety...

I missed my period by 1 week. I want to take a pregnancy test. When should I?

I have missed my period by 1 week. When would be a good time for me to take a pregnancy test?

Why do I have smelly white discharge?

Since yesterday I am getting white discharge with has a strong smell. Once in a while I have white discharge but this seems abnormal. I've had a yeast infection before and it...

Do fibroids grow back after surgery?

My daughter has been diagnosed with fibroids and the doctor says it requires surgery. However, are there chances that it could grow back after?

Why do I have some bleeding after sex?

The last two times I had sex with my husband I have had slight bleeding. No pain. What could be the reason for this?

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