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Can a lack of sleep hamper the growth of children?

My daughter barely sleeps. She is now 3 and a half years old and she gets a limited amount of sleep per day, around 4 hours. We are worried, and we tried everything from warm...

How can I treat frequent ear pains in my 5 year old?

My daughter is 5 years old and she keeps getting frequent ear pains. Is there a way to treat this at home?

What can I give my child to gain strength during loose motions?

My son is having loose motions and vomiting. He is currently being treated for it, but he's now becoming very weak and I'm concerned. Is there anything that I can give to him...

Can watching a phone screen for too long cause any problems in my child?

My daughter is 4 years old and watches videos on my mobile phone for a long period of time. I've tried to control it, but she still goes back on it. Can this pose any health...

Is a Zyrtec regimen safe for kids?

I have been giving zyrtec to my daughter as she is highly prone to allergies. She's 11. I just want to know if this is completely safe for her.

What is the treatment for nighttime cough?

My daughter is 3 years old and constantly gets a cough, particularly at night. How can we treat this?

My daughter got hit on her head with a wooden swing. Will an ice pack help?

My daughter is 12 years old and got hit on her head with a wooden swing. There's a bump. Will it help if I try ice pack therapy for her? How long should we keep the ice on?...

How often should I get a complete body scan done for my son?

My son underwent heart surgery at the age of 1. 5 years. He is now 8 years old and is completely fine. However, I always have a fear in the back of my mind. How often should...

At what age is childhood obesity usually noticed?

My husband and his entire side of the family is obese and I am worried my son will follow in his footsteps. He is 2 years old now and supposedly of average weight. What precautions...

Should I get my son vaccinated after being scratched by a cat?

My son who is 5 years old was playing with a stray cat and got scratched. Would he require vaccination?

My son is 5 years old and is complaining of a weird tickling feeling. What could be wrong?

My son is 5 years old and keeps complaining of a strange tickling feeling inside his stomach. What could be the reason?

My 20 month old eats very little. Should I try to change his eating habits or what should I do?

My baby is 20 months old and is a very fussy eater. What can I do to boost his appetite? And what should I avoid doing? What common mistakes do parents make with this?

When is a fever considered a medical emergency in a toddler?

My daughter is 19 months old and has been having a minor viral infection for the last 2 days. Yesterday her fever touched 100 and I did a wet sponge treatment along with prescribed...

My 9 month old baby is not able to digest non-breast milk. What should I do?

My son is 9 months old and I have just started trying to feed him dairy milk. He has diarrhea and sometimes even vomits with this milk. What should I do?

Is bread safe for toddlers?

My son is just over a year and a half years old and we are experimenting with some solid food. Is soft bread bad for him? When should I introduce bread into the diet? I ate...

How should I approach constipation in a 7 year old?

My son is 7 years old and is constipated. Are there any stool softeners that are recommended for kids? Or what do you recommend?

Can you please suggest a diet plan for my six month old baby that will help in weight gain?

My baby is 6 months old but is not gaining weight. I am now starting his solid food diet. Can you suggest an appropriate diet that will aid weight gain? Should I still try to...

What is the best way to clean ears of a newborn baby?

My baby is 1 month old and I am noticing that he is getting a lot of ear wax. I am scared to clean his ears. What is the best way to clean ears of a newborn baby or should I...

What should I watch for when Adderall Xr 10 mg medication has stopped

My granddaughter was prescribed Adderall XR 10 mg per day by her doctor and has been on it for a few years. He had a family emergency and has ceased his practice and I cannot...

I can't tell if it's diarrhea or something else?

So this morning I found that I pooped in my pants while sleeping, and I had a small pain in my stomach. I rushed to the toilet and then brown watery poo came out for about 30...

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