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Does my son have scoliosis?

My son is 8 years old and I think that his spine is shaped wrong. I felt it, and it seems like it curves a little bit inward. Is this scoliosis?

How long would my child need to wear a brace for scoliosis?

My daughter needs to have a brace on for her treatment of scoliosis. She's 14 years old, and she really hates wearing it. How long do kids usually have to wear a brace for to...

How can my son recover from Plica syndrome?

My son heard a pop in his knee when playing soccer, and an MRI showed that he had Plica syndrome. He mentioned ice and rest will help it, but is there anything else we can do?...

What should we do for son's Achilles tendinitis?

My son regularly plays sports, and we took him to the doctor once he started to experience heel pain and tenderness. He was diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, but the doctor...

How can I check my kid for scoliosis?

My son is 11 years old, and he is very active. He just had a growth spurt, and I'm worried about how his spine formed with it. How can I check my for scoliosis?

Why was my son sent home with fractured ribs?

My son got into a fight at school and the other kid pushed him down the stairs, causing him to fracture his ribs. We brought him to the hospital immediately, but the doctors at...

Could my son have a dislocated knee?

My son seems to have some symptoms of a dislocated knee. His knee literally looks out of pain and he's in some pain. I think it's from running, since he's on a cross country...

Does wrapping a sprained ankle help it heal faster?

My friend told me to wrap my son's sprained ankle in ACE bandage. Will this help it heal better and faster?

What is causing my son's knee pain?

My son's knees hurt, almost like needles. He feels this when he's kneeling down. He's pretty active too, and is on the wrestling team. Could something like that be causing it?...

How does scoliosis affect a child's balance?

Can scoliosis be the reason my child has started limping to one side when he walks? He was diagnosed recently, and wears a brace for it.

Can breaking a bone cause fever?

My son broke one of his fingers. We took him to the doctor immediately, and he had it put in a cast, but today he's sick in bed with a fever. Can breaking a bone cause fever?...

How long does an arm fracture take to heal?

My son is 9 years old, and he fractured his arm. How much will it take to fully recover from the injury?

How can my son get rid of his back pain?

My son hurt his back around two months ago, and the pain makes it uncomfortable for him to sit down. I don't think it's related to the actual injury. Is there something wrong...

What are the best ways to strengthen my child's bones?

My son has a deficiency in calcium, and his pediatrician wants him to be on calcium supplements since I can't get him to have enough dairy. Obviously, this is going to affect...

How long does a sprain take to heal in children?

How long does it usually take for a sprain to heal in children?

How long does a knee fracture take to heal in kids?

My son is 7 years old and had a fracture in his ankle, which is now in a cast. How long will it take to heal?

Is calcium from milk enough for strong bones in kids?

I am not giving any calcium supplements to my child. Is the calcium from milk sufficient for bone growth and development?

Will my son's gait abnormality be treated?

My son has an abnormal gait when he walk, and we aren't sure how it can be helped. Could something neurological have caused this? How is it usually treated?

My son is having pain in his hand after his surgery. What painkillers would you recommend?

My son is having a lot of pain in his hand after his surgery, following a bone fracture. What painkillers would you recommend for him to get over this pain?

What are some treatment options for son's hip dysplasia?

My 6 year old son has hip dysplasia. Is surgery the only treatment option, or are there other options we can take to help make his condition better, such as physical therapy?...

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