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Type of asana according to hip movement

How can we identify which one is hip closing asana or which one is hip opening asana?

What could be the cause for pain in my middle back?

I have a strange pain around my middle back region. What could be causing this problem?

Is physical therapy helpful in treating tennis elbow?

My husband has been diagnosed with tennis elbow and it is very painful for him at the moment. Do you think physical therapy will help him heal faster?

My husband has pain in between his hip and thighs. The doctor says its an inflammation. What should we do?

My husband has been experiencing pain in between his hips and thighs for the past 6 months. The doctor says that this is because of inflammation, but hasn't given us any treatments...

What is the best treatment for my finger pain?

I have a lot of pain in my fingers especially during the cold season. What can I do to manage this pain?

Can physical therapy help in lung rehabilitation?

My father had COPD and has just been discharged from the hospital. Due to his long stay his body is weak and movement is restricted. Can physical therapy help in his body and...

Why does my back hurt more during physical therapy sessions?

I am suffering from terrible back pains. The doctor has advised me to incorporate physical therapy. However, my back hurts a lot during the exercises. Is something wrong?

While running I fell, and I have a gigantic bruise on my thigh. Do I just wait it out?

I ran a marathon a few days ago and I fell, landing on my right side. I now have a huge bruise on my thigh and it's super painful. I have applied a gel and did hot pack. Will...

I have faint but consistent knee pain. What could it be?

I am having a slight pain in my knees when I suddenly get up or sit and it lingers. What could this pain be? It kind of feels like my knee needs to crack but won't. Can it be...

How can I treat my sciatica pain with physical therapy?

I have recently been diagnosed with sciatica and it is causing a lot of pain. How can I treat my condition with physical therapy? Are there any gentle exercises I can do at home?...

My son is training in skating. Does he require physical therapy?

My son is training in skating and works very hard. Should we consider physical therapy along with the regular training?

Can yoga help me get over my body stiffness?

Lately I am experiencing a lot of body stiffness. Do you think yoga can help me make my body more flexible and get over this stiffness?

Is strength training better for weight loss?

Is it recommended to undergo strength training for weight loss or is it better to stick with cardio?

What is Kinesio tape?

I recently read about the Kinesio tape method in physical therapy. What is it and when is it recommended for patients?

Stinging pain inside the neck

I've been having this stinging pain inside the right side of my neck. It's feels like a needle or something is pricking me. It hurts so bad that I have to cough to ease the pain....

How long should I be on physical therapy to ease my injury due to lifting weights?

I suffered a knee injury due to lifting weights and I started physical therapy last week. How long do you think recovery will take?

How is cerebral palsy managed with physical therapy?

My neighbor's son has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Can it be manged with physical therapy? If so, how?

What is athletic taping?

What is athletic taping and when is it best used as therapy for a person? Is it for any injury?

Why am I experiencing pain after losing weight?

I have been trying hard to lose weight and now after losing about 25 lb I am having a lot of body pain. It's kind of a sore pain like I had been running. What could be the reason...

Is physical therapy useful in weight loss?

I am struggling with my weight loss and I am considering going to a physical therapist to help me become more flexible. Do you think this will help me at all?

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