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How is a chiropractor different from a physical therapist?

My doctor advised me to see a chiropractor for my back problem. I would like to know how is a chiropractor different from a physical therapist? I feel like a physical therapist...

Can physical therapy help me relieve the muscular catch in my neck?

I have a muscular catch in my neck due to the wrong sleeping posture, and I have been managing using balms and sprays for pain relief. Should I consider physical therapy to treat...

Is physical therapy advisable for sciatica pain?

My mother has been suffering from sciatica pain over the past 3 months. We aren't sure how we can help her since she says the pain medication her doctors are prescribing her isn't...

Is physical therapy advisable after a hand fracture?

My son is an athlete and recently had a fracture from playing basketball. The plaster was removed yesterday and while the doctor has advised him to go slow, I wanted to find out...

Can physical therapy help my heel spurs?

I have been suffering from heel spurs particularly in the early morning and late at night. Should I take some physical therapy to manage the pain better?

Should I see a physical therapist for my knee pain?

Last night I suddenly had a severe pain in my knee. I had a combiflam and applied volini spray and in the morning it seems better. Should I still see a physical therapist?

Should my child be going to a physical therapist?

My son is 8 years old and is not as strong as normal kids of his age. His hands and legs lack the right balance that normal children of his age have. His standing position also...

Can physical therapy help in treating my spondylitis?

I am suffering from extreme spondylitis and am currently on medication for the same. Should I also take up some physical therapy to ease my condition and relieve the pain?

Is physical therapy a must for runners?

In our latest training session we were told that runners should frequently go to physical therapists. Is it true? How does it help? Is it more preventative than anything else?...

What hand exercises are recommended for people working for long hours on the computer?

I have a desk job that requires me to work long hours. What hand exercises I should be doing regularly to avoid my hands getting strained?

I have a strange pain in my right foot. Would physical therapy help?

I have a strange pain and some discomfort in my right foot every time I climb stairs. I say strange because it is dull, not sharp or burning. It is located in the pad beneath...

Is it advisable to undergo physical therapy after knee replacement surgery?

My husband is 38 years old and has recently undergone a knee replacement surgery. Is physical therapy recommended for him? How long should we wait before starting out his therapy?...

I have a severe pain in my calf muscles after playing cricket. What should I do?

I went to play cricket and now I have a severe pain in my calf muscles. What can I do to stretch my muscles and get relief from the pain?

Is physical therapy recommended for neck pain?

I travel frequently and after every flight I end up with a dull and stiff neck pain. Can you suggest if I should be opting for physical therapy to correct or prevent this?

Can physical therapy help my leg pain?

I have recently started running and because of my weight my legs ache a lot. Do you think I should also go for some physical therapy so as to get my body get better accustomed...

I am into body building. Should I be seeing a physical therapist?

I have been pursuing body training and muscle building. Is it important for me to see a physical therapist periodically to ensure that I have no injuries during my training?

What are the exercises I should do after finishing a marathon?

I have recently started running 5K and 10K marathons. I have no professional training and my running is purely out of self practice. Please suggest the key exercises I should...

Can you please suggest some neck exercises that can be done while sitting and working?

I have a desk job that requires me to be sitting for about 10 hours a day. Could you please suggest some exercises that can help my neck pain from sitting long hours?

I hurt my back as I slipped while dancing. The particular point now hurts a lot. Could it be something serious?

I hurt my lower back as I slipped on the floor while dancing. Until last week I could not even walk. Now the pain is slightly better but is still there. Will it settle on its...

Can physiotherapy help relieve back pain in pregnancy?

I am 5 months pregnant and I am suffering from extreme back pain. The pain becomes intense after I stand or sit for some time. Do you think it is advisable to go for a physiotherapy...

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