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Can bunions indicate an underlying foot problem?

I have painful bunions even though I take good care of my feet and wear very comfortable shoes. Could there be an underlying problem?

I have a bulging bone just below my toe. What could it be?

I have a bulging bone that hurts on friction just below my toe. What could it be?

Why do I have swollen feet inspite of taking anti-inflammatory medicines?

I was diagnosed with a medical condition called plantar fascistic. I have swelling in my feet inspite of having anti-inflammatory medicines. What should I do?

Why does my ankle sprain easily?

I have a tendency to fall and every time I do, I sprain my ankle. Why does this happen so easily?

I think I have an ingrown toenail. What does this usually look like?

What does an ingrown toenail look like? My big toe has been hurting me a lot lately, and it looks like I have one, but I can't really be too sure.

What are the best shoes recommended for people with flat feet?

Is there a particular style of shoes recommended for people with flat feet?

How are calluses treated?

I have calluses under my toes that are very uncomfortable. Can they be treated?

Snapping noise and pain in heel or back of the ankle

Hi I’m an overweight, 49 yr lady who has a damaged ankle from previous motorbike v car injury. 2 years ago I hurt my achelies tendon walking on uneven ground where now it snaps...

I have a recurrent problem of ingrown toenails. What should I do?

I have a recurrent problem with ingrown toenails and it keeps coming back even after I remove them. They are mild enough where I just fix it at home. What should I do?

I have a little bone growth just under my toe. Will it have to be treated with surgery?

I have a small bone growth that is just below my toe. I would like to know if surgery is the only way to treat it or is there anything else I can do?

How is a diabetic foot treated?

What is the best possible treatment for diabetic foot? My mom has diabetes and is concerned about this. Can only medication help in treating it?

Can a bunion be treated without surgery?

My husband has a bunion right alongside his toe. Can it be treated without any surgery?

I have a weird growth on my ankle. What could it be?

I have a strange bone growth on my ankle. It doesn't hurt but it doesn't appear on my other ankle. What could this be and why is it happening?

What shoes should I wear for hammertoe?

I am only 26 but I'm developing hammertoes like my mom's side of the family. What shoes can I wear and avoid to prevent them from getting worse?

My grandfather's wound is not healing. What should we do?

My grandfather has a wound at the bottom of his foot and it is oozing a lot and sometimes blood also. It happened last week and is showing no signs of improvement. What should...

Is foot amputation the only solution for gangrene?

My mother has been detected with gangrene in her feet. The doctor say her foot will have to be amputated. Is that the only solution?

I am not able to flex my foot. Why?

I am unable to flex my foot and every time I try doing so it hurts. Why could this be happening?

My foot still hasn't healed after I fell last month. What should I do?

Last month I tripped over a stone and my foot was injured. The wound on my foot still hasn't healed. Why could this have happened? What should I do?

For a runner, what aftercare do you recommend to ensure feet health?

I am a runner and I often end up with heel pain after my running. What should I do after or during running to make sure my feet stay healthy?

I have a lot of heel pain in the mornings after going for a walk. What can I do to treat it?

I have started going for morning walks but my heels hurt a lot when I'm finished. What can I do to manage the pain better?

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