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Is forgetfulness a mental illness?

I'm starting to notice I have become very forgetful. It's really worrying me. Small everyday things are also slipping my mind. I am always preoccupied with thoughts. Is something...

I burst into frequent crying spells. Is it a sign of depression?

Recently, I suddenly feel like crying for no apparent reason. Is it a sign of depression?

Do antipsychotic medicines cause weight gain?

My daughter is on medication for her OCD behavior. Since the time the medication has started, which was about 3 months back, she has gained almost 13 lbs of weight. Is it a common...

I feel hungry all the time. Is it a psychological problem?

I am never full and I keep eating all the time. When I have a craving I notice it's for junkier food. Is something wrong with me?

What could be the reason for my anxiety?

I am a 36 year old woman and I am noticing a strange problem. I tend to get anxious very fast even when completing routine tasks such as brushing my teeth. Could this be hormonal...

My son is displaying traits of kleptomania. He's young, but how can we deal with this problem?

My son is 10 years old and seems to have a strong urge to steal things. Wherever we go he tries to steal something. What can we do to tackle this issue?

Is my daughter dependent on paracetamols? Could it be a psychological problem?

My daughter is 17 years old and the other day I found about 5 packets of Crocin in her cupboard. Upon asking her she confessed that she is very dependent on paracetamols through...

My 17 Year Old Daughter Has Bulimia.

I am at a loss. She's refusing to continue talk therapy. At what point is she putting her life at risk? Do I force her into a treatment program? Can she outgrow it? I am worried...

How do I get over the loss of my father?

I am 32-years-old and a month back I lost my father to cancer. While it wasn't necessarily sudden, his death has been very painful and has left me in a tough place. I am finding...

How can I overcome negativity at my work place?

I am currently employed with a leading bank and get very good pay. However, I am unhappy about the fact that I am surrounded with a lot of negativity at my work place, which leaves...

Is fear of closed spaces a real disorder?

I have been observing that the minute my daughter is in a closed space like an elevator she gets very nervous. In fact yesterday I even saw that she was sweating in the elevator...

I am suffering from low self esteem with negative feelings about myself. Could I be depressed?

I do not feel good about myself and have extremely low self esteem. I am always questioning my abilities. Could this be a sign of depression? What can I do to make myself feel...

Is being addicted to medicines like paracetamols a mental problem?

My friend is 19 years old and I am observing he has a strange addiction to paracetamols like Crocin. I see him popping a Crocin tablet almost every day and it is worrying me about...

My wife is scared of having sex. How can I help her overcome this fear?

I have been married for the last 6 months and we have not been able to have sex because of my wife’s fears and inhibitions. She is very loving and I know she loves me a lot, but...

Bad behavior?

Why does my son have rude or bad behavior when he sees new people greeting me?

Could there be another reason for my breathlessness or is it anxiety?

I am going through a rough patch in my life due to my divorce. I am currently under tremendous amount of stress, and I have suddenly started feeling breathless even after doing...

I am feeling very anxious and angry most of the time. What should I do?

I am all of a sudden noticing a lot of changes in my own behavior. I tend to lose my temper very fast and also feel very anxious. What should I do to treat this?

I am unable to manage my stress. How can I help myself?

I am a freelancer by profession and I work on multiple projects at the same time. With deadlines and a stipulated time frame given, I find it very hard to mange my stress from...

I am scared of darkness. Is this normal?

I have a wierd fear of darkness and of closed dark rooms. I begin to sweat and panic. Is it normal or should I actually visit a psychologist to get rid of my fear?

My son is 16 years old and afraid of his exams. Should I send him to a psychologist?

My son is 16 years old and has many state exams this year. He is however extremely paranoid and scared to take his exams. Should I take him to a psychologist?

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